Hello! So...you're reading this? Well I hope you are! Comments and or vote, it makes my day!
_____________________Title: Original
I'm just another girl
another leaf blowing in the wind
as light as a paper bag
another face in the crowd
a person you think you pass by on the sidewalk
the one behind the scenes
another piece of paper thrown at the bottom of the pile
another piece of trash thrown in the garbage
another average
just a number
a snowflake in a blizzard
a drop of water in the ocean
a single grain of sand in the desert
another countless star in the sky
a piece of string woven in a blanket
I'm just another girl
But this girl may just surprise you
____________________Yup, that's the poem ha-ha, hope you liked it, or loved it. Have an awesome day be the awesome you I know you are!

The Pen Of Poetry
PoetryHere is a collection of my poetry and spoken words. Writing is my life, my passion, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without it. Enjoy.