Chapter 2 Magic in a cup

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Nicos P.O.V

I woke up to hear a scream. I instantly grabbed my sword and ran down to the common room, forgetting that I was only in my boxer.

s "What happened" I asked and a girl turned to face me, her cheeks turning a bright red color, Harry came running down the stairs and looked at me.

"Nico, why are you only in your under wear?" I guess they didn't sleep like this in England. " Boys sleep in their underwear during the warm months in America" I looked at him to see he was in a long sleeve shirt and pants.

"Dude how are you not burning up?" By now we had quite a crowd, Harry Chuckled "That's what I think when I see you wearing that jacket everyday" I did my half smile thing.

Then I turned to the girl "Why where you screaming?" She suddenly turned pale and pointed to a shadowy corner.

I could see a giant dog sitting their patiently. Hellhound. But not just any hell hound, Mrs. O' Leary. I sighed and lowered my sword, walking over to the dog

"Are you mental? That thing'll rip your head off!" I smirked and went over "Mrs. O'Leary, I told you to stay with Percy" She whimpered and came out causing a wave of terror to slice through the gathering of people.

I pet her on the head, "alright girl, you want me to come with you?" She wagged her tail and I climbed onto her back "Be right back" I quickly shadow traveled back to camp half blood and threw her a shield before vanishing again.

When I got back I was staring right at head mistress Mcgonegle. Now that I knew there wasn't any danger I was drowsy again "Yes" I said and she wrinkled her nose.

" Mr. Di' Angelo, you are aware of your lack of clothes" I nodded "Americans" I put simply and her look of disgust deepened.

"If you do not mind me asking, what exactly was that?" I stretched "Cousins Pet, now what time is it" I looked at the clock wall and saw I had fifteen minutes before class started.

I rushed up the stairs and into the shower for the demigod room. Quickly dressing in my usual all black attire with my skull ring I debated putting on my eyebrow piercing... Yup, lets just say I never refuse a dare.

Conner and Travis earned me a good lecturing from many people. I thought about it, it would make the teachers mad. I smirked, it was definitely going in.

I threw on my aviator jacket and thumped down the stairs still tired. I was basically as good as dead until I had my coffee, hmm I wonder what kind of coffee they had?

Drooling at the thought of my precious coffee I walked in and sat down at our table, that might I add was missing something very important.


"Wheres the Magic in a cup?" Hermione looked confused "coffee?" I mumbled tiredly. Like I said, I need my coffee.

Harry looked confused "Why would you want Coffee?" Then Hermione said something that absolutely broke my heart. "They don't serve it" I was tired, but that didn't mean that I couldn't be pissed of.

"WHAT!" I roared and she looked confused "Why is coffee so important?" Oh gods she did not just say that.

"IM A NEW YORKER, NEW YORKERS LIVE OFF COFFEE!" Harry gave me the what-the-bloody-hell-is-wrong-with-this-guy look and I turned to Hermione.

"You sure they dont have any type of coffee?" she nodded and I went to the end of the table to find Nick "dude a major injustice has taken place" he raised a brow "What?" I fake sobbed "You haven't had coffee 9 months out of every year" He joined me.

" I know Right? Its horrible" the trio had followed us "Is it really that big of a deal, Coffee" Me and Nick gave him glares so strong that he stumbled back words and turned white as a sheet.

"Yeah, yeah it really is" I turned to Nick "Starbucks!" we cheered and I brought us to the nearest Starbucks. We walked in and ordered. I ordered three as well as Nick, we paid and traveled back to be met with Mcgonegle, dang she was starting to scare me.

"Excuse me Mr. Di' Angelo, Mr. O' Conner, what exactly are you doing?" We gave her a serious look. I'm a genius so I may or may not have gotten an extra coffee for bribing purposes.

"There has been a terrible tragedy" I felt tears come to my eyes and she looked concerned, Nick sobbed into my shoulder "You, you d-don't, s-serve Coffee!" We cried and we saw a sad look in her eyes .

"I realize, the Ministry will not allow it. I understand your need to leave completely" Alright because this women was so amazing I handed her my bribing coffee. She looked exited which I found pretty funny.

"If you dont like it we can get you a different one. We'll do it every morning if you let us" She nodded "Yes, I believe coffee is very important" she said seriously. We nodded gravely and sat down with all of our warm coffee.

Ron raised a brow, "You really love coffee, don't you?" I nodded sincerely "With all of my black heart, mostly filled with darkness." Ron looked mildly horrified while Nick laughed.

"I see Ricos still good, one word, whipped." I smirked, "Courck?" haha, his and his girlfriends ship ^.^ He blushed a deep red,

Then he smirked " She will be informed about this." I laughed "She might punch me for being sappy or think its adorable." they gave us odd looks.

"Only twenty nine more days" i said now wide awake after sucking down my first coffee and half of the one in my hand "Can I try it?" Ron asked.

I snorted "You wouldn't like mine, I take it black. Try Nicks" Nick hesitantly handed over his cup and Ron took a small sip.

His eyes lit up "Blimey this is good!" I chuckled, "I know right?" everyone else didn't look so sure. Harry sniffed it and recoiled "I'l stick with tea thanks" I nodded

"You probably couldn't handle the caffeine anyway, I've been drinking this stuff since I was 12 and I still get a little twitchy" Nick snorted. 

"That's cause we drink three each in a morning" I pondered this "Yup, Probably"

Ron cleared his throat nervously "Do, do you think you could get me one of these tomorrow to?" I nodded doing my half smile thing. "Yup, trust me, I know how good coffee is. Its slightly addicting, like heroine, only without all the nasty side affects"

Again Harry and Hermione looked appalled but Ron just laughed "Yeah I think I can get that". We packed up and went to our first class, and that is how my morning coffee run started.


Do you like it? I rather like it. NOt a coffee drinker myslef but i would like to be. Is that wierd? i think its wierd... Anyway this is a snippet because no I have 2 people who like it! I have an updateathon scheduled for october 12th with my editer. Im getting oral surgery thursday so bear with me -_-' the grammer and all that should be better. Well byby! 




Break someones face with your tap sho my little ninjas!

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