The room of requierement

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Nico's P.O.V

Herbology wasn't bad, I laughed when everyone cringed at the screams from one of the plants. To me it sounded like home, the screams of the tortured souls.

I worked without earmuffs and everyone stared at me like I was mental. I just kept working on re-potting it and I was pretty sure by the end Professor Sprout was wondering why I didn't have to go to the hospital wing.

The next class I had was a free period for me. It would be flying but we all know that thats a really, really, BAD idea. I wanted to think so I started pacing in a hallway. Herbology had me thinking about my mother, Persephone.

I started to hum the melody and when I looked up there was a door in front of me that hadn't been there before. Cautiously I opened the door, slipping in before closing it behind me.

As I looked around I was shocked, there was a giant black glossy grand piano in the middle, and sitting on it was a person I hadn't expected to see here.

"Mother!" I ran forward and hugged her gently, her returning it. "There I was, being board in your father's castle, and when I say board I mean I was actually contemplating taking a walk"

We both shuddered, the Underworld wasn't exactly the best place for a stroll. "And suddenly here I was, and there you are!" she smiled.

It was hard to think the women standing in front of me was the women who had relentlessly taunted me a couple of years ago.

"Shall we play?" I nodded my head excitedly and sat down on the bench next to her. We started off with a song she first taught me, a beautiful melody that was by far my favorite.

We stayed like that for hours, and she even got me to sing a little. To me nothing could compare to her voice, it was like liquid sunshine when we were with my father, shooting through the palace.

After a while she sighed "Your fathers going to start wondering where I've gone, we probably can't do this too often but" she hesitated, "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to" I smiled and nodded my head.

She waved good bye and flashed out. When I opened the door I was met by an audience of at least seven people. Luna, Neville, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Professor Mcgonagall, and Mark.

Hermione's eyes bugged "You!" I raised a brow. "Yes me" Harry elbowed her "She meant was that you playing. We walked by and thought we heard something. Luna was sitting on the floor listening."

Luna smiled dreamily and waved "It was lovely, who was with you" I narrowed my eyes "You heard that?"

 They nodded and Mark gulped "W-was, y-you know, How d-did y-you get her in here?" He managed to finally spit out. I shrugged "I don't know, it was nice to see her again though."

Hermione's eyes sparkled with the possibility of knowing something new. "Who!?" I gave her what I have decided to call my count down look. She grumbled.

"You do know your free periods about to end right?" my eyes widened, "What do you mean I've been in there for like five hours." Hermione looked excited.

"Really? I've never heard about the room suspending time before, that is so interesting!" She turned to the other 2/3 of the golden trio. "Right boys?"

They nodded and I shrugged, "Well I better be off, shouldn't I? And please keep your mouth shut about this, no offense professor" I kept his voice cool and my face stoney through the whole thing but on the inside my face was bright red and I was stuttering

People had actually heard me play, I didn't let mortals hear me play, it didn't fit my character. "Oh yeah son of hades, grim reaper, ghost king, and accomplished Pianist!"

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