ishipit App. and Invaders

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Nico's P.O.V

When I woke up alone I couldn't help but feel disappointed, Rikki was supposed to be spending the entire day here before leaving. A note sat next to my book, neatly folded and bearing bold black ink.

"Dear Nico, 

I'm so sorry I had to leave early! Even though it kind of kills me my dad called last night and I had to go do a job. I love you and I'll be back in about a month, please try not to kill, maim, or blow anything up. 

I'm Serious, 

Love Rikki"

I smiled down at her writing, noticeably done in a normal ball point pen. These wizards seriously need to realize that using a feather to write wasn't the only way a person can write.

I glanced over to see Nick with a dopey smile on his face, no doubt a product of whatever Sadie had said to him in the note she left.

Oh yeah, I could see them together. 

When I walked over I saw he had a note clutched in his hand, as I slowly pulled it from his grip he started to roll over.

clinging to my arm I was now on top of him with my arms stuck beneath him.


I started wiggling out from under neath him while still trying to keep my hold on the note. I ended up squatting and flipping over him and making a loud bang with my shoes on the other side.

He shot up, letting go of my arms, and I quickly stood up straight, "Oh god, sorry Nick I dropped a book, you can go back to sleep" I tried to get him lying down again.

"Oh, yeah sleep I should-" and he was out again. 

I looked down at the note ans smiled at Sadie's small flirt, Taking a picture of it I sent it to the Aphrodite cabin. I soon got a message in my in-box, 

 You've just donated one picture of Nadie noteTo the Aphrodite Cabin! 10 Drachmas have been added to your bag! Come by the end of the summer to collect. This is coded Rare! Thanks again Nico!

Ok let me tell you something about the Aphrodite cabin, they shipped everyone with everyone. If they were two people, gender and age aside, they had a ship name.

Whatever you send them was judged by at least two girls, categorized, and then used in some way or another.

Ultra Rare got you 20, Rare got you 10, ADORABLE got you 8, and average got you 5. If it was a picture of someone who was known to not flirt or date, Sadie, or someone who lived far away, Nick, it was immediately more valuable. 

If the ship the object or picture pertained to ended up getting together, another 2 drachmas was added to the bag for being 'pre relationship evidence' or something weird like that.

All the money you earned would be put into a bag with your name in it that you would pick up on the last day of the Summer. 

Not only did they have this system , but there was an ap for it. I kid you not the Ishipit app was used camp wide.

First you got an account, you had a virtual coin bag that told you your bags current wealth. However you could also buy stuff, it costs five drachmas to go into a section, and then the additional price of the object you want. 

The app is two dollars and bidding's go up pretty high. Yup people at camp were creepers. To be honest though it was mostly Hermes kids looking for blackmail....

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