The escape

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Don't ask how I did it.

I'm not sure.

It's almost like something took over me and have me amazing fighting skills.

They took me into questioning and everyone was so worried about a man named peter or something I managed to escape.

I ran. And ran. And ran

Then finally I snuck on a train all the way to district twelve.

It was empty. I heard on the train that the Capitol bombed the place. Tears were always flooding out.

Tears, scrapes and cuts and bruises.

I ran through a forest and ran.

I escaped every peacekeeper and any human being. Finally after a week if drinking from streams and eating berries I was finally at my destination.

I was at district 13.

It was hard for them to let me in.

I told them my story though. Leaving out only one part...that I was Effie trinket.

You see I didn't grow up in the Capitol. I grew up in a district. I don't remember which one but I think we kept changing. When I hit twelve years old and was able to be reaped. My parents and I changed are names and faces to be Capitol citizens. My parents were not normal at all but get were loving and they taught me fighting skills. Like there's one place on a persons back you gam stab where it will fracture their spine and pierce their heart.

So when people were questioning me in 13. I told them I was Elizabeth. Which I am. That is my given name.

They finally let me in. Gave me a room. I got to eat. Katniss was in the infirmary but I was not to talk to anyone. Not even her. I couldn't do anything. They thought I was a spy but they already had even more important things to worry about. Once I walked by Haymitch. I smiled.

We were very different but I'm changing now. Maybe we could be more the same.

He smiled back actually.

I don't think he recognized me though having no makeup letting my bruises and cuts and burns heal on their own.

And I was wearing district 13 uniform. No extravagant Capitol outfits either.

People think people living in thirteen is just a myth basically.

I should have know better when I snuck into one of haymitchs and plutarchs meetings.

I shouldn't of eavesdropped.

But I'm kinda glad I did.

I'm ready to rebel.

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