Chapter 2 (Picture of Grayson)

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Braylon's POV

  I wake up to Grayson's face next to mine. His mouth is hanging open and I stifle a laugh when I see a little drool pooling around his mouth. 

    I look at the clock and it reads 6:27.
I shake my head and groan. "Grayson," I say poking him in the face. "Grayson." I repeat when he doesn't wake.

    "Grayson Owen! Wake the heck up!" I yell in his face. He shoots up and rolls off the bed. Thump. I laugh as I hear this.

     "Braylon Paige!" He snaps. "It's not funny," he rubs his butt. "That hurt."

  "I'm s-sorry." I say between breaths. "But we gotta get ready for school. Now get out."

He gets up and leaves,
rubbing his butt he says, "I'll get you back for that." With that he shuts the door.

    I get up and walk to my closet. I pick out my outfit. Jeans, at navy blue tank top that shows a little of my tan belly, and a white cardigan. I put on black combat boots. I walk to my mirror and apply my simple makeup. I brush my hair and put in a messy bun.

   "Bray! Let's go come on." Jayden calls, knocking on my door.  I open the door and walk out.

    We go down stairs and I grab a pop tart. Braydon and Parker are arguing about who knows what.

   "Hey hey hey. Come on let's go to school." They stop arguing and look at me.

I raise an eyebrow. They all huff and I smile in victory.

I hug Parker goodbye and climb into the car. Braydon, Grayson, Jace and Jayden get in after me. Braydon drives and I'm in shotgun.

We get to school and I climb out. "Bye guys." I wave at them.

"What, no hugs? Jayden whines.
"I'm too old for that." I whisper to them.

"You gave one to Parker this morning." Braydon accuses. I roll my eyes and walk over and give them all quick hugs. I turn away and walk quickly into the school.

I see Ally standing by my locker in a dress. I walk up to her. "Hey Ally, ready?" She nods. "Where is Amie? We don't have time to wait for her let's go."

We walk off, heading for social

Grayson's POV

I walk to class and sit next to Tyler in Algebra. "Hey Tyler." He gives me a chin up. I get out my home work and start to correct it.

  Me and Tyler walk out of class together and I see Braylon. She's on her phone, of course.

   Tyler nudges me and points at her.
"Wow she is looking good today." He says starring at Braylon.

  "Hey no, she's off limits. You know that," I tell him, walking in the other direction. Heading to gym. With Braylon.

We walk down the hallways and I can see out of the corner of my eye that girls are trying to get our attention. I nudge Tyler. "Look at those girls, not my sister." He rolls his eyes. We get to the gym and I see an obstacle course.

   We head into the locker room and change.

We come back out and we sit on the bleachers. I watch Braylon come out of the girls locker room. I hear a couple of guys to the right whistle.

   I stand up, "Hey." I say angrily pointing at them. "Stop whistling at my sister." I sit back down. Tyler looks at me funny. "What?" I ask him, a little to aggressively.

   He just shakes his head. I sigh and mumble 'sorry' under my breath. Our gym teacher, Mr. Finch, comes out of his office and tells us to quiet down.


Braylon's POV

Mr. Finch explains the rules to the obstacle course. Mr. Finch passes out papers to vote for captains. I get mine and vote for Grayson. "Who'd you vote for?" Ally leans over and ask me.

"Grayson." I reply.
"Of course you did." She says.

  "I didn't vote for him because he's my brother, I voted for him because he's good at everything. Besides he probably voted for me too. Who'd you vote for?" I ask her.

"You." I nod at her reply.
"Alright, hand them in." Finch looks at them and marks some tallies down. "Grayson Ryder, captain of the blue team." Everyone cheers and applauds.
  "Captain of the red team, Braylon Ryder." I'm kinda shocked, I'm mean, I thought it would be both boys.
"We can't have a girl for our captain, we'll lose!" Some guy on my team says with disgust.

   My blood boils. I whip around,
   "Excuse me?" I hiss. "I definitely think I will be a better captain that you will. Besides, we all know girls are better. So you can go screw your self." I snap at him.

   "Damn, you should of just kept your mouth shut." Grayson says.
"Ok well, that's enough. You all know the rules. So line up." Mr. Finch says.

  Grayson comes and stands next to me. "Your about to lose, Gray."
He chuckles. "In your dreams Bray."
I smirk, "You're on."


Chapter 2 everyone.
Don't forget to

~ P.W~

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