Chapter 17

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  Grayson's POV

I let go of Braylon and wince when she accidentally touched my arm.
  "Oh. I'm sorry." She says, biting her lip.
  I ground my teeth and try to not focus on the pain. "You're fine. Come on, Parker is out front."
   I grab her hand and lead her outside.
We walk, well she walks and I limp, outside and flashes snap in our faces.
I glance at Braylon's and she's grinning from ear to ear.
  "This is awesome!" She clings to my bandaged arm and jumps up and down.
"What?" I ask, biting my tongue.
"Look." She points to a huge bouncy house and a party set up in the school courtyard. "That's for us. Come on let's go!" She drags me, literally drags me, to the court yard.
I tug my arm out of her grip and stop walking.
"Wait. Wait. I need to give you something."
I reach into the passenger side of the car and pull out a turquoise box.
I kneel down on one knee and hold out the box with my good hand.
Her mouth opens slightly and her eye brows raise up in confusion.
"Braylon Paige Ryder, I've known you my whole life, literally. Even though you're my sister, I love you so much. I need you by my side with me always. You make my world round. You fill my ocean with water. Will you marry me?" I purse my lips to keep from laughing right out loud.
"Uh. Ok. Grayson? Uhh-- no. I can't. That's just too weird. Marrying my twin. I mean your hot, but no." She stammers out, her eyes wide.
I stand up and belt out laughing. "You actually thought I was asking you to marry me! Seriously, I didn't think that would work. Your face was priceless." I laugh, pausing to take a deep breath. Then continue laughing.
Her mouth opens and her features transform. From confusion, to shock, disbelief to humor, to anger, then back to humor.
  She raises both of her arms, and I stare back in anticipation. Then she slaps them down on her legs.
  "That's hilarious!" She bursts out laughing.
  "No but seriously, here this is for you." I hand her the box and step back.
  I study her face as she opens it. I can tell that by the way she looks at the box and slowly opens it, she's excepting some type of beautiful necklace.
  I'll admit that it's a beautiful necklace, but not beautiful in that way. 
  She opens it all the way and her mouth quivers.
  I bought a necklace that says Dynamic Duo. It has the best friend design but instead of being a heart, it's a circle with flexing arms on both halves.
  "Wait, why are you crying?" I limp to her side and wipe away a tear that's trailing down her cheek.
  "You don't know how much this will ever mean to me. I love it so much. Thank you Grayson." She wraps her arms around my middle and hugs me tightly.
I stand there for a moment then hug her back.
"Your welcome. Now let's go to our party."
"Wait. Can you put these in the car?" She hands me a gift bag. I peer inside to find pictures and a letter.
I set them on the seat and we head off.
We walk to the entrance to the party and Ally, Amie and Jace greet us.
  "Hey guys, come to this thingy over here. It's awesome." Jace says, leaning on Amie's shorter, 5'4 frame. She glares playfully up at him.
  I look at Braylon and she shrugs.
"Ok then let's go."


After about 15 minutes we get to this 'thingy.' Turns out it a little bungee jumping thing for two people.
I hear shriek from next to me and whip my head toward the sound. Next to me, Braylon is jumping up and down screaming. "I love bungee jumping!" She squeals, not calming down.
I grab her shoulder, and look her in the eye. "When have you gone bungee jumping?" I ask, genuinely curios.
She gives me a funny look, "Never." Her reply is short and sweet, but then she continues. "But I've always wanted to."
She gasps and grabs my injured arm. I hiss and yank my arm away, but she hardly notices.
"Do it with me! Go bungee jumping with me. It's for two people." She starts to squeal again.
I glance up at the top of the bungee tower and cower back. Holy cow it's like 50 feet high.
I swallow and look at Braylon's pleading eyes.
"Fine." I give in. She looks at me in disbelief.
   I motion my hand for her to go forward. "Well let's hurry up and go before I change my mind."
  She takes off toward the line and I have to sprint to catch up with her.
  We reach the line and wait for about 13 minutes until it's our turn.
I start to breath heavy, and my hands tremble.
Braylon looks at me a laughs. "Captain of the football team is afraid of heights?" She mocks me.
"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes at her, looking at the sky.
We get up to the top of the stairs and the two guys lead us forward. "Ok, we are going to attach you to the harnesses and when we give the go, you can jump down, and as you can see, there's a trampoline on the bottom. It helps you get a bounce of you can't." They guys with the pony tail explains.
   I nod, understanding. I look over the edge and bite my lip.
  I look at the other guy, who is hooking up Braylon to the harness. He bends down to hook up a strap in between her legs and I clench my jaw. He keeps his head down, then right when I'm about to glance away, he looks up her dress.
   I cough loudly and he jerks his head up. He looks at me and I slip him the middle finger and narrow my eyes. His eyes widen, and he starts to cough.
      "Um Braylon? Can we do this another time?" I ask her quickly, not taking my eyes off the guy who is tightening her harness.
  "Because you scared? No way!" She laughs.
   I clench my jaw. "No because Mr. Slick over here is looking up your dress."
   Her eyes widen for a minute then she shrugs. I shake my head in disbelief.
"Doesn't matter," she says, "I'm wearing spandex underneath. Nothing to see."
I mumble under my breath and jump in surprise when a hand goes between my legs. "Woah, watch it. That's the family jewels you just touched." I say as a joke.
Ponytail guy chuckles and finished connecting the harness.
He steps back and closes the gate.
"Grayson are you sure you can jump with your arm?" Braylon asks, concerned laced in her voice.
I completely forgot about it. "Yeah, I use my legs to bounce, not my arms anyway."
She nods her head and walks next to me. I grab her hand and my heart beats faster.
"You can jump now." The ponytail guy announces in the speaker.
Swear starts to blot on my forehead and I take a deep breath. Braylon squeezes my hand for comfort.

I bend my legs, say a quiet prayer, scream like a girl and jump, dragging Braylon's with me.


So so sorry for the long update. I've been so busy!
Here's chapter 17 folks.
I never expected that this book would get this many reads. Thank you so much for the support.
As soon as I get 10K reads, I'll look back to whoever voted and commented on all the chapters and give them a shoutout.
Anyway, don't forget to

I'm out. ✌️


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