Chapter 8 (Picture of Tyler)

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Braylon's POV
Wham. I smile as I ball spike over the net. Into Karlee's face.
She scowls at me but I shrug it off.
"You're gonna regret that." She snarls picking the ball up and rolling onto our side.
I chuckle. "Make me."
She turns away, mumbling something along the lines of 'I will make you'.
   I give the ball to Ally, who is serving in our scrimmage for our tryouts day 3.
I turn to the net and get into ready position.
"Sweep the floor!" I shout, bending down to brush my hand against the floor. Everyone follows me, knowing that I have played volleyball since I was 9.
I hear a couple of groans from the players on the other side.
I look over my shoulder and watch as Ally does her serving warm up. I turn back around, hoping she gets the ball over the net. She doesn't.
The other team takes the ball to serve. I back up into serve receive.
"Serve receive, down and ready!" Ally yells from behind. I smile to myself.
The server hits the ball over, a lobber.
Right to me.
I stick my arms out and the ball bounces off my forearms, directly to the setter. I wave my hand, "Back, back, back."
She sets it back to me, a nice high ball right in front on the net.
I square my feet, swing my arms back, take a step forward and leap.
I wham my hand on the ball and it goes sailing cross court.
I hear woots and cheers and I spin around. I see all of my brothers, sitting on the bleachers. Just like yesterday, they all came, ignoring all pleas to say at home.
My cheeks flush pink and I duck my head.
Coach walks up to me, "Nice job Braylon. You can guarantee right side hitter. Keep up the good work."
"Thanks Coach."
He pats my shoulder lightly and walks away.
I follow him with my gaze and watch him approach Ally.
I hear parts of their conversation.
"...ot the best of your ability. Keep trying though." She nods her head, looks down and says, "Thanks Coach."
I walk over to her and give her a sideways hug. "I'm sure you did fine." I say, trying to comfort her.
She looks up, "Easy for you to say! You're so good at everything. Not me. No matter how hard I try, I get cut from everything I tryout for!" She protests.
I have no words so I just hug her again.
"Ok ladies, come on over. Today is the third day for tryouts. Also known as cuts. I will go into the hallway and put your numbers that I gave you on day 1 on a big sheet of paper. If your number isn't on there, I'm sorry. You can leave." I hear a couple of gasps.
"If it is on there, come back and sit in a circle on the floor. If you made it, try to be respectful of those who didn't."
He turns and leaves. A quiet murmuring spreads through the gym, everyone saying they hope they make it.
I feel Ally shaking beside me.
I touch her shoulder.
"Hey, your gonna make it, you did fine." I encourage her.
She gives me a look. "You think."
I nod.
Karlee walks up to me and smirks.
"What?" I sigh.
"Just saying that I'm gonna ask for the right side hitter." She walks away, tripping over a ball.
I burst out laughing, "If you make it that is."
She stands up and turns around to say something, but I cut of by coach coming back in the gym.
"Alright, before you go. I want to say that of you didn't make it, keep trying."
He glances at Ally as he says that. "Go look now."
Her hopeful face falls and a couple of girls snicker.
Ally puts her head into her hands and runs to the bathroom.
I don't follow, giving her time to clean herself up.
I walk into the hallway and squeeze through everyone. Someone touches my hand and I hiss in pain. My knuckles are still bruised, a greenish yellow color.
I look at the paper and see my number, 24 on it. I let out a sigh of relief.
A couple of girls start crying, their friends comforting them.
I look for Ally's number 17. But don't see it. My insides twist. I keep looking and let out of cry of joy when I spot it in the bottom right corner. 17.
I run to the bathroom as fast as my sore legs take me.
"Ally!" I run up and giver her a hug.
She pushes me off and spits, "Just because I didn't make it doesn't mean you have to feel sorry for me."
I make a confused face. "What?" I question.
She huffs and says,"Never Mind."
I roll my eyes and grab her, pulling her in the hallway.
I point to the bottoms right corner.
She looks at it for a minute. Her eyes widen and fill with tears.
She jumps and down, waving her hand. "I made it! I made the JV volleyball team." She chants.
I congratulate her and walk into the gym. I spot Karlee sitting in the circle and I grit my teeth.

Coach finishes his speech with a 'Congratulations on making the team.'
Ally and I walk out to the parking lot, where my brothers are waiting for us.
They have questioning looks on their faces, which I nod to, answering their unspoken question.
They immediately start cheering but cut short and look at Ally.
She smiles big and let's out a big, "I made it too!"
They boys pull us into a group hug.
Jayden puts his hands on my shoulders and kneels down to my height.
  "Mom and dad would be very proud of you Bray. Very proud."
   I smile softly. "I know. I know."

We climb out of the car and walk into Friendly's. We get seated and a couple of minutes later our waiter comes out.
"Hello welcome to Friendly's, what would you folks like to order?"
  We all order and the food comes.
I glance around the table, munching on my spicy chicken tenders. Everyone's laughing and taking pictures.
   I try to smile but my eyes fill with tears. I put my chicken tenders, stand up and walk quickly to the bathroom.
  I look in the mirror. I see mascara smudged around my eyes from where I put my fists in them to dry my tears.
   I let out a loud sob. I back up into the wall and slide down.
    "Oh Mom, I wish you were here." I whisper to myself. "Dad, you would have known what to do."
    The door creaks open and Ally walks in. "Braylon? Are you in here?" She spots me and rushes over.
   "Oh Bray, what's wrong?"
I debate whether to tell her or not and I chose for the better.
   I sigh loudly and say, "Just something Jay said." She looks at me. "About my parents." I add.
   I get cleaned up and walk back out to see a sundae sitting at my spot. I smile slightly.
   Upon seeing my expression, Grayson immediately stands up.
    I put a hand up to stop the flow of questions that is about to come.
  "Sorry to put a damper on the moment, but we need to go home." My voice cracks on the last word.
    "Why?" Jace asks. I sigh and give him a pointed look.
   His mouth forms and 'O' and he nods quickly.
    We get home after dropping Ally off at her house and I run upstairs.
I take a running leap and land on my stomach on my bed.
    A loud 'huff' escapes my mouth. I lay my head on my pillow and start to cry. I cry for a little bit and then calm down.
A knock sounds our side my door.
Braydon pokes his head though my door and covers his eyes. "Is it clear?"
  I laugh. "Yes it's clear."
  He comes in a picks me up and throws me on the bed.
  I squeal and laugh. I get on top of him and tickle his sides.
    His loud, hearty laugh makes me forget Jayden's comment.
    He flips me over and shouts, "The tickle master returns!"
    "NO! Grayson! Jace! Parker! Someone help me! Plea-se! Jayden!" I scream protesting.
   Everyone comes in laughing.
"Dog Pile!" Parker yells and jumps on us. I start getting tickled by all 5 of my brothers. 
    I scream until tears are coming out of my eyes and my throat hurts.
   My bladder tightens, signaling that I have to pee.
   I squeeze out of the dog pile and rush to the bathroom and do my business.
   I come back out and all of my brothers have calmed down and start to fall asleep. I make my way to the bed and squeeze in between Grayson and Our Saint Bernard, Tikki, comes and lays down with us.
  I made the volleyball team. I smile at the thought.
    I close my eyes. I have everything I want right here.
    I open my eyes and frown.
Except one thing.
       My parents.

Hey guys. Chapter 8 here.
Ok so updates.
Twice a week now. Maybe 3.
To busy now with softball and school.
Don't forget to
Comment what you think.
    Leggo ✌️

~ P.W~

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