Chapter 3 (Picture of Jace)

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Braylon's POV
"Go!" Coach Finch yells.

     I sprint to the ball pit and jump in. I try to swim across it but it's too deep. Something grabs my leg and pulls me under. I get on top of the person and sit on them.

     Grayson's head pops up and I throw a ball at his face. I get out of the ball pit and sprint to the spider web.

"You cheater," Grayson says climbing ahead of me. "Me? No, that would be you." I tell him as he steps on my hand and I hiss in pain.

I climb up next to him and pull on his shorts, so they start to fall down. "That's what you get." I spat at him.

  I reach the top and see out of the corner of my eye, that Grayson got passed by my teammate.

   I smirk. I get over the top and land on the ground. I look back up to see who's following me. Someone on Grayson's team falls and his legs get stuck in the rope, hitting a not so good place.

  I stifle a chuckle.
I run the mat, get to the rope, grip it and swing like Tarzan. I reach the other side and turn around. I wave to the people behind me.
  "Hello from the other side." I sang as I turned back around.
I get to the mat and get on the balance beam. I slip and fall. Retracing my steps, I start again. Except this time someone is in front of me. Grayson.

I stand in the balance beam and go as fast as I can without falling. I hop off and sprint after my twin. I reach him because he is jogging.

I tap his left shoulder.
He looks back and I laugh. I keep running and we get to the swinging punching bags. I slip in between two.

I hear an 'oof' behind me, telling me Grayson got hit. I run before I can get hit.

I race to the finish line and slow down. I turn around and Grayson runs into me. All of the air gets knocked out of me and I fall to the floor, Grayson pinning me. I lay there heaving, trying to get my breath back.

  "Oh Bray. Sorry, didn't see you there." Grayson smirks down at me.
  "Get-- off me you -- lug-nut." I huff  the words out. He stands up. I follow suit.

"I told you I was gonna get you back for this morning," he says winking at me.
I finally get my breath back. "Yeah, but this morning I didn't tackle you to the floor, knock the wind from you and then lay on top of you while you can't breath, now did I?" I say crossing my arms.
I answer for my self. "No, I didn't think so. I merrily pushed you off the bed so you landed on you butt." 
He doesn't look apologetic, "Yeah yeah. It's just sometimes I forget that you're not one of my friends, who can take the payback that they deserve without whining, crying and complaining." He punches me playfully in the arm.
My blood starts to boil. "Did you see me crying? No. Was I whining? No. Did I complain? No." I punch him in the arm, not playfully.
"Braylon it was just a joke. Chill out."
Tyler says, coming up to stand next to Grayson.
   I glare at both of them. "I don't want to talk to you Grayson. I don't care that you tackled me... well, maybe I do, never mind. Anyways, I'm mad at you becau--" I stop short.

I'm mad at him because he doesn't think I can handle the pain. Of being tackled. By a boy. But I know I can handle more pain than that. And he said I wasn't his friend. I'm his best friend.

He looks curious as to why I would be mad at him. "You gonna finish?"

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. I turn around and go back to where Ally is to cheer her on through the rest of the course.


I'm still giving Grayson the silent treatment, even though school is over.
I finish my homework and walk up the stairs to my room.

"Braylon." I stop at the top of the stairs. "What?" I snap at Grayson, turning around.

"Don't give me that attitude." Parker said, who was not Grayson.

"Sorry, I thought you were Gray."
"What's wrong with Gray?" He questions me.

I shrug. "Ask him yourself. I refuse to talk to him until he apologizes." I continue walking to my room.

"No, you'll tell me now because I want to know." Parker says grabbing my elbow and turning me around.
I yank my arm out of his grasp.

"Don't touch me. Just because you want to know doesn't mean I'm gonna tell you." I raise my voice.

His face turns red and he clenches his jaw. I glare at him.

"Don't yell at me, young lady. You're grounded for 3 days. Here, school, back here." He shouts at me.

"You can't tell me what to do! You're not my dad." I shout, turning around and stomping to my room.

I slam my door and sit on my bed, head in my hands. I change into sweats and a hoodie and put my fuzzy socks on. I sit in my bean bag chair and pull out my favorite book. Christy Miller.

I read for a few minutes and then put the book down. I let out a deep breath.
"Jeez Braylon. Why you gotta run your mouth?" I ask myself. "Now your grounded for 3 days."

I hear a couple of soft knocks on my door. "Come in."

Parker's head pokes through the opening looking for me. His gaze meets mine and he holds it. I nod my head. He walks in and sits next to me on the floor. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

   "I'm sorry. For yelling at you. And saying that you weren't my dad." I say with my head down.

  He doesn't answer for a while. "I'm sorry too. For being a hypocrite."

  I look at him and smile slightly. I give him a sideways hug. He hugs me back.

  "Can Ally come over? We have a project in earth science to work on together." I bat my eyelashes and poke my bottoms lip out. He gives me a long look.

Then he sighs. "Fine, but you're still grounded."
I squeal. "I know and thanks."
He nods and walks out.

I grab my phone and scroll to Ally's contact.
To: 😵🔫 partner in crime

"Come over to my house so we can work on our project."
I get a response almost immediately.

From: 😵🔫 partner in crime
"Be right there."

I don't reply. Throwing my phone on my bed, I walk down stairs. I get my Oreos out and walk back upstairs.
I sit on my bed and wait for Ally.


Chapter 3 folks.
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Deuces ✌️

~ P.W ~

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