Chapter 6 (Picture of Ally)

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Braylon's POV
  I try to wiggle out of his arms. I turn my face up to see Parker, a smirk plastered on his face. He walks toward the pool. I wiggle and squirm and manage to get an arm out from his hold. I open my mouth to scream again and I get a face full of orange paint.
   I open my eyes, paint dripping from my lashes.
  "Blugh! That was disgusting." I tell Parker, pinching his cheek with my free hand, hard.
  He moves away. "Ow Bray. Stop."
I let go.
   Behind Parker I see Tyler and Jace running up with water balloons. I close my mouth and squeeze my eyes shut.
  "Bray? What are you doi-" he's cut off by blue paint splattering in his face from behind. A lot of paint is splattered onto my face as well.
  I start to laugh. Then suddenly there is water in my mouth. With Parker making me sink to the bottom because he's on top, I start to panic. I suck in water through my nose. I vision starts to go hazy and I'm losing air.
     I try to push Parker off of me. He doesn't budge. I can't breathe. I try to get air but only get water.
   Suddenly I stop trying. A calm peace washed over me. I close my eyes and breathe out. I faintly feel someone grabbing my arms and pulling me up. I feel water dripping from my face.
  "Braylon! Oh my gosh, she unconscious. Some one call 911. We need an ambulance." I hear Jayden's voice. Barely. Everything is hazy and gone.
    Something grabs my hand and says, "Braylon. Please. Don't leave me. I need you."
   I black out.


Jace's POV
  Parker is driving to the hospital with everyone. I'm so panicked.
  "Oh my gosh. This is all my fault. It was my idea to push her in." I say, on the verge of crying.
Parker turns his head and looks at me, hard.
"No Jace, it wasn't your fault. It was your idea to push her in yeah. But I was the one on top of her under the water and didn't get off. I even felt her push me too. I-I." He breaks off, tears in his eyes.
I put my hand on his shoulder. "But she didn't even get a breath before I pushed her in. She was laughing and I saw that. This is all my fau-."
Braydon cuts me off.
"Guys, stop talking about the things that didn't help Braylon. Talk about the things that we should do to help her."
Grayson spits angrily. "The only thing that can help Braylon is the doctors. And you both are right. This is your guys fault. Braylon might die because of you two." He looks out the window. I'm shocked at what he said. The tears leave my eyes, making their new home on my cheeks.
Jayden leans forward and rubs my arm. "Hey. It's not your fault." He turns to Parker. "Yours either. Grayson is just upset."
We get to the hospital. I sprint to the front desk. "Is there any information on Braylon Ryder?" I ask in a rush. The rest of the gang catches up to me.
The lady looks up. "I'm sorry. I can't give that information out. Only to family members. Not boyfriends." Boyfriend?
I chuckle. "I'm not her boyfriend. I'm her brother. We all are." I point to them behind me.
She looks back. "Oh, I see. Well, currently Braylon Ryder is still unconscious. We haven't heard anything from her. Her heart condition is still unstable. As for when she will wake up, we don't know." I let out a sigh.
"Is that it?" Parker asks. I turn away and walk to the waiting room. I hear Parker trying to get the lady to let us see her.
I sit down and put my head in my hands. I let out a sob. I cry silently.
Parker rushes over. "I know what room she is in." He states. I look up, nose dripping and eyes puffy. "What is it?" I ask curiously.
"Room 207."
Grayson walks over to me, eyes blood shot and face blotchy. I stand up and meet him.
I hug him and cry into his shoulder.
I feel his tears getting my shirt wet but I don't care. I let go and curl up into a ball on the chair and fall asleep.


Grayson's POV

  I listen to my music bopping my head. Waiting for the report is like torture. We've been here for 6 hours. Zane and Tyler left. Parker went out and got food 3 hours into the wait.
   Someone kicks my foot and I take an earphone out. "What?" I snap at Braydon.
   He nods his head in a direction. I follow with my gaze. A doctor in a white coat is walking toward with a grin.
    I sit up straight and put my music away.
  "Brothers of Braylon Ryder?"
"Yes!" We all answer at the same time.
He nods and says, "She's asking for you." Then he walks away.
  I get excited as I stand up and follow him.
   He opens the door and we file in.
I run to the bed and the others give me space because I'm her twin. She has an IV in her arm, and a breathing tube up her nose. Her fingers are swollen and a dark shade of red. I involuntarily let out a gasp. 
   Her eyes flit open when I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. She opens her mouth, then closes it without making noise.
   "Braylon. Bray can you say something?" I ask.
  She opens her mouth a little and let's out a light moan. I let out a sigh.
   Her heart beat falters and I grip her hand harder. "No no no Bray. Stay awake."
   She opens her mouth again and let's out a small 'ow'. I chuckle and let go of my grip.
  "Braylon. Please say something else. Please." I plead when her eyes start to close and her breathing is lighter.
  She squints at me and says very quietly that I almost didn't hear her, "Did we win?"
  I let go of her hand and wipe me eyes, my hands coming off wet.
  I laugh and say, "Yes Braylon. We did win." I let out a relieved sob.
  Her eyes close and her breathing evens out. She's sleeping.
  I pull up a chair and lean my head against the bed and grab her hand. I let out a long, exhausted sigh and close my eyes.
  I'm happy now because my little sister is ok and I'm here holding her hand.
   I fall asleep with a small smile on my face.


Chapter 6 everyone
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Deuces ✌️

~ P.W ~

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