Chapter 25

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Braylon's POV

** 2 years later**

Heart pounding, legs aching, hair whirling, I sprint down the alley. Aaron's puffs of breath are right next to me. We go straight, take a left and then turn to the right.
I burst open the door to an abandon ware house and run into a doorway.
I put my black ski mask in my bag, along with my different colored spray paint cans.
"This way." Aaron whispers into my ear.
  I follow him under a table.
I lean my head back and sigh, calming my breathing.
"That was awesome!" I whisper. I don't want the cops to follow us. Aaron didn't tell me that we would get caught spray painting.
  We've been dating for three years. I think I love him but I'm not sure. I want to believe I do but at the same time I don't.
  He's been distant lately. I don't want to think he's cheating on me. He says he's going somewhere but when I ask if I can come, he turns me down.
  Like the other day, he was going for a run and I asked if I could come. He looked at me and quickly said no.
   "Shhh." He put his fingers to my lips. Someone's footsteps.
  I stuff the bag under a box. I peer out from under the table, ignoring Aaron's tug on my shoulder.
Parker's head pokes through the door. I breath out.
I climb out from under the table dragging Aaron with me.
I creep up behind Parker and poke him.
He whips around. "Put your hands-- oh Braylon. What are you doing here?" I shrug in answer. "What are you you doing here?"
"Chasing 2 masked spray painters that vandalized. Hear anything about that?"
His voice is accusing.
I bite my lip. "I do know enough. Enough to know that we've been here the whole time and you are not accusing us of doing it."
  He rolls his eyes and puts his gun away.
  Parker's a cop since last year.
"Alright. Just go home. Enjoy your night."
  He says the last part weird. I shrug it off and leave with Aaron.
  Walking down the street, Aaron pulls me off to the side of the sidewalk.
"Stay here, I have to get something from a friend. Be right back."
  I watch him walk up steps to an apartment complex and the door opens.
  A middle aged man with black hair comes out a does a bro handshake with Aaron. 
   The man looks around and slips something into Aaron's pocket. Aaron looks back at me, then slips a bundle of money into the guys hand.
  Aaron turns to come down the steps and I quickly bend down to 'tie' my shoe.
  Walking down to my house and I have a queasy feeling in my stomach.
  He grabs my hand and I don't feel the normal tingles that I always do.
  When we get to the porch I stop him.
"Aaron? Were those drugs?" My question is blunt.
  His eyes widen and he starts to stutter. 
  "No no NO. They are NOT drugs." He says quickly.
  Defensive much?
"Ok then, what are they then?"
He looks down.
"I can't tell you, but I promise it's not drugs."
"Fine." I grab his hand and pulled him inside.
We set up things for a movie, him asking me questions and I answer with one word answers.
At 8:00 he gets up to leave to visit a friend.
"Who, that drug dealer?" I ask in a sour tone. He visibly winces.
"No, she's not a drugs dealer."
I nod and shoo him out.
"I love you." He calls out the door. I freeze and blink rapidly.
"I love you too." Except I didn't say that.
   I said, "Goodnight."
He frowns and shuts the door.


"Ok tell me something I don't know about you." I ask him. Aaron took me to the same place we went for 20 questions for the first time a couple years ago.
   He thinks for a moment.
"I sing." That shocks me. Really?
"You sing? I didn't know that." He laughs.
  "Sing for me. Please."
He nods and grabs my hand.
  I close my eyes and listen to him start to sing. I smile when I hear the song he is singing. My favorite.

  When your legs don't work like they used to before.
And I can't sweep you off your feet. Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And darling, I, will be loving you till we're 70
And baby, my, heart could still fall as hard at 23
I'm thinking 'bout how, people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well me- I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

And honey, now
take me into your loving arms
kiss me under  the light of a thousand stars
place you hand on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

When my hair's all but gone and memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will love me the same

'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And baby, your smiles forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how
People fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all a part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

That baby now
Take into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your hand on my beating heart
Thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right, where we are

So, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh darling, place your hand on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are
Oh baby, we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are

I open my eyes a couple seconds after he stops singing, enjoying the moment.
I open my eyes slowly and tears immediately spring to them.
  Aaron is kneeling in front of me with a small black box in his hand, his other free hand still holding mine.
   He lets go of my hand to open the box, and my hands fly to my mouth.
   "Braylon Paige Ryder, I've known you for a while now, and I got to say, everyday I see you, I fall more in love with you. I want to live the rest of my life with you, grow old with children  and grandchildren by our side."
  Tears slide out of my eyes and make their way down my cheeks.
  "Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"
   I don't hesitate one bit. "Yes. Yes I will marry you Aaron Isaac Sky."
  More tears slide down my cheeks as he slips on the ring.

We kiss and hug

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We kiss and hug. I pull away and look him straight in the eye.
"I love you Aaron Sky." He looks relieved when he replies.
  "I love you too, soon to be Mrs. Sky. Braylon Sky, has a ring to it."
  I laugh and hug him again.
He pushes a button on the speaker that appeared out of no where and music blared through the speakers.
   The song he just sang was playing. I chucked slightly.
  He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I set my arms around his neck and we slow danced to the song.
   At the right moment, we kissed under the light of a thousand stars.


Chapter 25 you guys!
So they are finally engaged. They also graduated high school but I feel like every book does that so I skipped it.
  I'm not gonna do the wedding either. But I'll show pics of the outfits.
  What do you guys think about that engagement ring huh?
It's entwined because their destinies are entwined together.
  !!!!PLEASE READ!!!!

I am having a cover contest. Why you ask? Because I want to.
  Send me the covers and I'll put them to good use.
  The ones that don't win I will show them in the following chapters. (Which are not that many I might add)

  Anyway don't forget to
Comment what you think.


~ P. W ~

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