Chapter 11

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Braylon's POV
"Ooh, look at that! That is a gorgeous dress!" Ally drools over the green thigh length dress, with a brown belt around the middle.
  I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Nope. I mean, it's pretty and all, just not for a date." Amie and Ally are forcing me to go shopping for a new outfit.        Apparently sweat pants and a hoodie don't qualify for a first date. Aaron asked me to go on a date with him.
  It took a lot of convincing from my brothers to let me go with him, but after me being grounded for 2 weeks, they agreed.
  "Yes it is. You're getting it." Amie gushes.
  I cock an eyebrow. "Really? What do I get out of it?" I question.
  Ally puts on a mock thinking face, then snaps her fingers. "How about getting the opportunity to look nice. Not like a... boy anyway. Well, sporty."
  I chuckle and look down at my sweatpants, slides and longs sleeved volleyball apparel shirt.
  "What's wrong with this?" I ask in a joking way.
  "Oh nothing." Amie says quickly. "Just that you were that all the time."
  I playfully glare at them.
"Ok! We'll get you food! From Nova's café."
  I let the information sink in and nod my head in agreement.
  "I want the double cookie dough mint sundae though." I pause for a second. "Maybe two." Those things were big, but I loved them. I could eat four at one time.
  Ally sticks her hand out. I reach out and grab it.


"Oh, Braylon Paige Ryder! You look stunning. Aaron won't know what hit him." Amie commented on my outfit, just as Ally finished my hair.
I squirm, uncomfortable dressing up this much. Bad ideas start to flow into my mind.
"What if he doesn't dress up? What if he takes me to an old run down shack? What if--."
Ally cuts me off. "For the love of frickin Christ Bray. He will dress up. And he is taking you to a nice fancy restaurant. I may have threatened that he might become a girl over night if he didn't."
I check my phone and it reads 4:57.
"Ok he should be here any minute. Let's go downstairs."
  We make our way down and the gang is down there.
  I reach the bottom step and heads turn to look at me.
  "Wow Bray. I thought this was a first date, not a formal." Grayson says.
  I glare at him.
"Ok. That's enough. Braylon you look beautiful." Braydon interrupts. "I can't remember the last time I saw you in a dress."
  I laugh a lighthearted laugh.
"I can. At mom and dad's funeral." Grayson says with a tone in his voice.
It's becomes so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
  I bite the inside of my lip to keep from shouting curses at him.
I look down and strong arms wrap around me.
  "I'm sorry I said that Bray. You do look beautiful. It's just now I won't be the only guy in your life."
  I smile and look at him.
"Grayson, your aren't the only guy in my life." I point to everyone else.
He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.
"No. Me. I'm the only guy. And if this guy so much as touches you where you it makes you feel uncomfortable, I will beat him to a pulp." 
  I start to agree when the doorbell rings. Grayson sprints to the door and pulls it open. I peek behind his shoulder and there I see Aaron standing there with a pink, my least favorite color, rose and a button down shirt, nike shoes and jeans.
  I squeeze in front of Grayson and greet Aaron. I glance at Grayson when he asks for my hand. His eyes narrow and his jaw clenches, but he slowly nods.
  "Bye guys." I wave.
"Bring her back by 11:00 mister!" Parker yells from the kitchen.
  "Yes sir." Aaron shouts back.
We turn and walk out the door.


Grayson's POV
I turn away from the door and walk back to the couch. It's a couple of minutes before I realize that the girls are still there and the boys are staring at me.
  "What?" I snap at them.
They share glances. I heave out a sigh when no one answers.
  "Fine then." I go back to watching TV.
"Well-- uh--   this is Braylon's first date. Don't ruin it for her by making the guy run with his self confidence between his legs." Jace says hesitantly.
  I make a growling noise and turn away.
  The girls start to whisper to each other and steal glances at me.
  They snicker and Ally slips something into her sweatshirt pocket and they sprint upstairs.
I gaze after them for a moment and then shrug.
  About an hour of playing Black Ops my phone goes off. 'Best friend best friend to the very end.' That's all it says.
  I glance at it thinking it was Tyler and then quickly grab it.
I read it and throw it on the couch. I breathe heavy and start to think of ways to kill someone with a fork, a spoon and a knife.
  The message said, "Help."
I go upstairs and grab my jacket.

  The message was from Braylon.

Hey guys! Long time no see. Well read? Or whatever.
I'm sorry for this ending but the I promise next chapter will be way better. Ok, so you know how I put those 'bye' thingies on the bottom? Message me some more new ones. I'm running out.
And Braylon's dress for the date is in top.
Don't forget to
Comment what you think.

  See you later Alligator.

  ~ P.W ~

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