Chapter 8

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FF- A few months later

I woke up to that horrid thing I call an alarm clock. I hit the snooze button, and pushed myself out of bed. After taking a quick shower, I certainly felt more awake; and ready for my first day at Belleville High. I brushed my teeth and all that shit, before stumbling over to my closet. I quickly dressed in a plain white shirt, a pair of grey knee-length shorts, and threw a mid-sleeved black hoodie on over my shirt. I grabbed a pair of grey high tops, and crossed the hall to the bathroom. I straightened my hair, leaving it down, and did my bangs so that they practically covered my eyes. I then applied a heavy amount of black eyeliner, and voila.

"See ya, Kristine!" I call as I walk out the door.

"Have fun at school!"

I rolled my eyes. Like that would happen. My friend, and neighbor, Frank, was still on vacation. He'll be out for the first week of school. Yippee. The bus whizzed by me; I didn't even bother running to catch it. Well, now I know where the bus stop is. ....

Turns out, Aunt Kristine's house isn't very far from the school. I don't know whether or not that's a good thing. I mean, I'm not late, but this high school is your typical high school. I could see all the different stereotypes spread out on the school's campus. Cheerleaders. Jocks. Goths. Nerds. Gangsters. Weird, no outcasts.

I turn around to a tap on my shoulder. There were two boys behind me. The one that tapped me had an afro, and the other one had blonde hair.

"Are you Angel?" Blondie asked.


"Great. I'm Bob, and this is Ray. We're friends of Frank's. He told us to escort you to your classes until he gets back," said Blondie.

"Okay. Anyone else for me to meet?"

"Mikey. He's not here, though. He just got back yesterday," Ray explained.

I did a double take. "Mikey?" 

Bob nodded. "Yeah. We better get going. The bell's gonna ring. If we don't get in early... Things kinda happen," Bob stated.

I arched a brow. "What kind of things?"

The bell sounds. "There's the bell. What do you have first?" Ray asks, quickly changing the subject.

I think for a moment. "Anatomy. Room 214."

"That sucks. Okay, we'll walk you there, and then we'll see you at lunch."


The next day started off just the same. I got ready, missed the bus, and walked to school. As I was walking, my mind began to wander. Did Gerard still live in this part of Jersey? I dreamt about him last night. Fuck, I dreamt about him since the day I ran away. Would he ever be able to forgive me? Did he move on? Sure, I should be mad at him, but I couldn't fight what I know. The heart wants what the heart wants. And my heart wants Gerard. I stopped abruptly when I bumped into someone. The girl turned around and scowled at me.

"So you're Angel," she remarked snidely.

"Yeah. Got a problem?"

She smirked. "No. Just wanted to see the slutty newbie for myself."

It was only my second day here, and people were already talking? What a bunch of low lives. "Excuse me?"

To my surprise, she stuck her hand out to me. "Lexi Minostrossi."

Hesitantly, I shook her hand. "Angel Star."

"I've heard."

I shook my head. This bitch just called me a slut! No way in hell is she gonna get away with it. "So... Where do you get off calling me a slut?" I ask casually.

"Just a way to get your attention."

"'Hi' isn't enough?"

Lexi smirked. "For most people, it is. But I'm different."

I smiled. Those last three words guaranteed the beginning to a beautiful friendship. At least I thought it would.

I didn't meet the guys that morning. They weren't there; so I just got to know Lexi better. We had every class together, except for 8th period. I had art, and she was in the school orchestra. 5th period lunch rolled by fast. The guys were still no where to be seen. Lexi and I managed to hog a table by the windows.

"Can you hang out today?"

Kristine wouldn't mind. she lets me do whatever I want. "Yeah. Why?" I bite into my turkey sandwich. 

"No reason. Just wanted some company." We continued to eat our food in peaceful silence. I was interrupted by a pair of hands covering my eyes. De ja-vu much?

"Bob or Ray?" I asked.


Before I could guess again, the hands moved, and I found myself looking into a very familiar pair of hazel eyes.

"Mikey?" I choked out.

"You two know each other?" Lexi asked. I was too dumbfounded to answer her. Did Mikey hate me? He goes to the school? And he's friends with Bob and Ray? And no doubt Frank, too. Lexi seemed pretty fond of him. Great, looks like we're all friends. There's just one person missing...


Chapter 8. Two more chapters, and a sequel if I can finish it. Hope you enjoyed it. The song is "Planetary (Go!)" by My Chemical Romance :)

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