Chapter 9

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After school, I found myself in Lexi's white Volvo. Bob, Ray, and Mikey were in the backseat. We were on our way to Lexi's boyfriend's house... whoever that was. I don't even know why I agreed to go. It beats sitting around in my room, I guess. ...

The car stopped, and Mikey walks right into the house without even knocking. He must be pretty cool with Lexi's boyfriend. He motions for us to come inside, and we do. It was your average New Jersey home. Upstairs, normal level, and basement.

"Hey, Mikey, do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask reluctantly. I still had no clue as to whether or not he was mad at me. And honestly, I don't know if I wanted to find out.

"Yeah. Third room on the left."

"Thanks," I murmur before running off to do my business. Minutes later, I emerge from the bathroom to see Lexi kissing someone. It was a greeting kiss, and didn't last too long.

"There you are, Angel! Meet my boyfriend, Gerard," Lexi said cheerily.

Sure enough, Gerard was standing right in front of me. In this living room. For the first time in months.

"Hi, Gerard," I say stiffly.


"I sense tension. Is there something I should know about?" Lexi questioned. Ironically, she was only joking.

"No." Memories swam around in my brain. "Nothing's going on between us. Never has been; never will," I spat coldly.

For a split second, Gerard's fierce stare turned into an uncomfortable one. Then his face went as cold as stone. "Nope. Nothing at all," he confirmed.

"Lexi, I don't mean to be rude. But I just remembered, my aunt wanted me home early today to help with dinner..." I lie lamely.

"That's fine. I'll drive you-"

"Actually, I'll walk her. Have fun with your boyfriend," Mikey interjected.

Lexi looked at both us, her brunette hair swaying slightly. "Oh! You two can go on your walk then," she paused to wink at me. Did she seriously think me and Mikey were gonna hook up? O.o'

We said bye to Bob and Ray, and then we were out. I felt Gerard's eyes bore into the back of my head as we walked away. It took every ounce of willpower not to turn back. I lived about fifteen or twenty long blocks from Gerard's house. The first five blocks were painfully silent. It was I who broke that silence.

"Are you mad at me?" I blurted out, letting my conscious get the best of me.

Mikey was quiet for awhile. "No."

"Are you just saying that?"

Mikey stopped walking. He took in a long breath. "Angel, can we just put all of this behind us? I really want to be friends..."

"Oh, okay," I murmur quietly. We continued walking. My mind began to wander again. "Can I ask you a question?"


"It's about Gerard-"

"No. I don't believe he's moved on," Mikey says in a monotone voice. I stare at him, jaw hanging down and bug-eyed. "That was what you were gonna ask, right?"

I blush. "Yeah... I know Lexi's my friend and all, but does it make me a bad person to be in love with her boyfriend?"

"Of course not. You can't help who you fall for."

"Mikey, how the hell are you so wise?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I think I've watched one too many soap operas with Grandma," he joked.

I giggled. "Okay, Mr. Wise, what do I do then?"

"Let him know how you really feel."

"What if he's still mad at me?"

Mikey stopped walking to give me a stern look. "Angel, he was never mad at you. He understands why you left. Just talk to him. If anything, he's mad at himself for treating you like shit."

"Are you positive he's not mad?" He nodded.

"Positively certain," he replied smugly. We were about five blocks from my house now. Man, we walk fast.

"What about Lexi?"

"What about her?" Mikey asks nonchalantly. I give him the death glare. "Kidding. I think you should still tell Gerard how you really feel. But don't make him break-up with Lexi. Let fate deal with them. That way, everyone's friends. Or..."

We walked for another minute, and Mikey still didn't say anything. "Or..?" I pressed.

"Or... You can beat him at his own game."


"Get a boyfriend of your own," Mikey said is 'duh' voice.

"Mikey, I'm not sure if you've realized this, but getting a boyfriend is much harder than it looks."

"Then get a fake one," Mikey persisted.

"I would ask you, but you're Gerard's brother. That's just low. I'll ask Frank!"


Chapter 9. The song is "Na Na Na" by My Chem. I think it's my favorite song off of Danger Days. 1 more chapter! :D

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