Chapter 4

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Mikey's POV:

"Wanna head to the beach? It's much better when the sun isn't beaming down on you," I suggested. "Eh... Okay?" Gerard replied hesitantly.

"Great." I pushed him outside before he could change his mind. "We're going out!" I called to Grandma. When we got outside, I saw a familiar speck of fiery red hair hurrying away from us. "We should follow her!" I whisper to Gerard.

Gerard looked at me like I just tried to hatch eggs. "No, Mikey. What is wrong with you? That's it. No more coffee for you. You're more hyper than Frank. I'm starting to worry."

"Fine, no coffee..." He grinned. "But you have to quit smoking and drinking."

"That's not fair! I-"

"Shh! C'mon! Angel's getting away. We're not being very good spies," I stated matter-of-factly.

"Ugh. Okay, I'll play your spy game. Where do you think she's going?"

Gerard sighed, giving in.

"The beach," I said knowingly.

When Angel turned the corner, we followed her. .... We arrived at the opposite side of the park, perfectly hidden by the shadows. There was some dude waiting for her. She screamed something, and jumped into his arms.

"Angel never mentioned a boyfriend..." I think aloud. Sure, I liked Angel. But more like a sister. I... I guess I didn't really expect her to have a boyfriend.

"Maybe they're just very friendly friends..." Gerard replied quickly. Just as Gerard had said that, Mystery Guy leaned Angel backward and kissed her... And she kissed back. Okay, that was a slap to the face.

I looked at Gerard. His face was paler than any make-up he ever owned. "Gee?" I whispered.

"Mm?" Gerard replied. "Are you okay? We can go home-"

"No, this was your idea. Let's go meet Mr. Perfect." We got up and followed the happy couple onto the beach.

Regular POV:

"Aw! Who's the lucky guy?" Aaron gushed.

"Well-" I was cut off by a pair of hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who."

"Hm... A rapist?" I joked, knowing darn well that it was Mikey. My heart began to race. Did he bring Gerard? Mikey uncovered my eyes, and I brought myself to my feet. I pulled Aaron off of the wet sand. "Gerard, Mikey. This is my boy friend, Aaron. Aaron, these are my friends, Gerard and Mikey. They live next door to me," I say awkwardly. There I go throwing around that "boy friend" word again. But it's true, Aaron's a boy. And he's my friend. Mikey and Gerard are just my friends. It takes a long time for someone to upgrade to the "boy friend" status. It took Aaron 3 years. All was silent. "I have an idea! How about we have a slumber party, or sleepover. Whatever the fuck you guys call it," I suggest randomly.

"That sounds great," Mikey agreed.

"How about our place tomorrow night?" Gerard asked. His voice sounded kind of... strained.

"Okay, I'm gonna start heading off," I announce sadly.

"We'll walk with you," all three guys offered at once.

I blushed, obviously flattered. "Okay... Thanks." I quickly dry off and put my clothes on. We quickly passed through the park, and stopped in front of Aaron's house. The guys bid each other farewell, and gave me time to say goodnight.

I quickly hugged Aaron, and stood on my tiptoes to whisper into his ear. "That's him. The one with the black hair. I think I love him. Well not love... but I find myself having a weird attraction to him," I said. Aaron pulled away to look at Gerard. He looked back at me, and smiled.

"Aw! That's so adorable! Good luck." He kissed my forehead.

"Night Angel."

"Goodnight, Aaron," I whispered as he retreated into his building. I jogged up to Gerard and Mikey. "Hey, sorry I took so long. I had to tell him a secret." I giggled as we began to walk.

"A secret?" Mikey asked, intrigued.

"I can't tell you. I'd have to kill you," I joked. We paused outside of some coffee shop that was similar to Starbucks. "Oh! I've been dying for a hot chocolate." I look at the guys pleadingly. "Come in with me?" It was only about 11:00. So we had an hour before the place closes.

"Well, Mikey, here, is trying to quit coffee. But I'll go with you," Gerard answered. I glanced apologetically at Mikey. "Night, Mikey."

"See ya, Angel. Are you coming over tonight?"

"If it's okay with you two and Ms. Way."

"Fair enough. I'll ask when I get home. See ya, Gerard." And with that, he started walking home.

Gerard held the door open, and I walked inside. There weren't many people in there, but they all stared at Gerard and I until we made it to the front counter. I immediately began to feel self-conscious. Was it my hair? My wet-ish clothes? Ugh, I hate people staring at me. Gerard squeezed my hand.

"Don't worry. You look perfect."

"Stop lying," I muttered. "Why would I lie?"

Luckily, we were next in line, so I didn't have to answer him. "Get me a hot chocolate with marshmallows," I said before wondering over to the bathroom.


Okay, so this one was kinda long too. What do you guys (gals) think of the story so far? The song is "You Know what they Do to Guys Like Us in Prison" by My Chemical Romance. Personally, this is one of my many favorite songs by them, even though it's about prison rape and gay sex...

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