Chapter 4- Intterupted

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A/N: it's currently 3:18 in the morning here. I apologise for any mistakes.

'Training starts in five, get yourselves warmed up!' Coach had yelled out, not bothered by the fact almost the entire team looked like they rather be anywhere but the cold field right now.

Most of us grumbled our acceptance of the fact and a few of us greeted the chance to get warm with open arms. I sat in between, desperately wanting to be huddled up somewhere warm, but also desperately wanting to train to get warm. Indecisive most would say.

I knew today was mostly going to be fitness, my least favourite thing. I'd rather just be given a ball and told to this and that, I'd much prefer that. But alas I was here, doing fitness, death as I do kindly called it. Really though, who wanted to run around and around and around and then do sit-ups? Not me.

I'd decided I'd stay with Allie, maybe avoid talking to as many people as possible today. It's not that I was in a particularly bad mood, I'd just been so close blurting out something to do with Christen all morning to everyone. At least if I said something around Allie she already knew right? Besides she was my best friend, she's great company.

'So, how's Christen been?' Allie asked as I sat myself down beside her. The mention of the strikers name immediately put a smile on my face, a stupid one at that.

'She's great, it's been awesome being able to hang with her for so long. Rumour has it, she was talking to the head of the Thorns board while we were training. She might come to Portland!' I expelled maybe a little too enthusiastically, the stupid grin refusing to leave my face.

'Up and at em, warm ups are over, get moving to the first drill!' Coach had yelled once again, a favourite pastime it seemed.

'I bet you're happy with that, I'm glad you're so happy again, I love seeing you smile like this,' she puffed as we began our jog, the most pleasant part of training.

'I'm ecstatic! We did a lot of bonding over the past few days, I'm where I want to be in life right now, content,' I huffed, picking up the pace as we rounded a cone.

'I heard off Kelley that she talks about you a lot, not getting your hopes up, but,' she relinquished, squinting her eyes as we changed direction, running directly into the wind, perfect.

'We're just good friends you know, she's just being friendly,' I sighed, as much as I hoped it was something more, there's only a slim chance.

'Whatever you say, oh Ashlyn's going out tonight, Christen's going, along with Ali, Kelley, Hope, and Kling, the usual suspects. She wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go?' Allie asked, in between taking deep breaths of air.

'Well if Christen's going I'm in,' I answered quickly, coming to a halt right at the end of the first run.

'Great, Ash's taking a team van, meet her out the front of the hotel by eight,' she returned, stopping alongside me.

I emerged from the hotel second last, Christen was probably somewhere behind me, I probably should have waited and walked down with her.

'I'm a little late sorry,' Christen announced from beside me, apparently appearing out of thin air. She had on a tight top, the silly leather jacket I loved, and a pair of simple jeans. She really did look great, as always.

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