Chapter 9- Waiting game

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"Christen! It's game day todayyyyyyy," I cheered, running through our room looking for my dress pants and shirt.

"I know I know! Who do you think is going to start?" She asked, lazily making her way to me with my shorts and shirt in hand.

"Hmm, Alex, Mal, Rose, Dunn, Julie, Becky, Sonnet, Dahlkemper, maybe Linds, and it's gotta be Ash today," I shrugged, knowing full well I'd left out one.

"That's ten Tobs," She grinned.

"Can't think of anyone else who'd fill in up top..." I paused quietly, "Except you," I finished with a smirk.

"You're so mean!" she sighed, but then looked at me with a grin, "If I score more goals than you get assists I get to do whatever I want, and vice versa," she had this devilish grin that only had me more excited for this outcome. 

"I like that, two hours per goal or assist to the winner," I added, walking over to kiss her forehead, "But come on we'll be late to breakfast."

I spent most of breakfast envisioning the game ahead, we were playing Columbia, a tough opponent physically, I was always bruised after playing them, but the games were always enjoyable. Jill kept the starting lineup secret til game day breakfast and more than anything I wanted to know if I'd start, or Press, or both of us.

I kept turning my head to catch small glimpses of Chris, she'd gone to sit with JJ this morning and I was at a table with Kelley, Emily and Ash, who were busy making fun of me and my "obsession." However I'd noticed both Sonnet and Kelley giving each other a lot of sideways glances recently, and had my own suspicions about the two. I briefly debated in my head if I should bring it up or not when Jill walked in. 

"Short and sweet, Tobin, Press, Alex, Pugh, Lavelle, Dunn, Becky, Julie, Dahlkemper, Horan and Harris, you're starting. The rest of you, be prepared for the cold," Jill announced before disappearing as quick as she appeared. 

"You and your girl are on together, how sweet," Kelley laughed, before taking a 'sneaky' look at Emily, who responded by smirking. 

"So, you two sleeping together or what?" I asked, sick of them having all the fun in teasing me.

"Uhm, what makes you think that?" Kelley replied, her face a matching shade of crimson with Emily. 

"Oh no reason, constant side looks, giggling, the usual," I grinned, neither had said no yet, which meant I was right. 

"Fuck you're good, alright yeah we are," Kelley responded, squeezing Sonnets thigh as she did.

"You're a bit quiet," I directed at Emily while Ashlynn let out a little gasp, finally catching on after an initial period of shock.

"I'm just, wow, wasn't expecting anyone to realise," she shrugged. I raised an eyebrow and got up from the table, intending on getting my stuff together and heading for the bus.

I walked by Christens table, she followed me upstairs and talked about the lineup, I think she was more excited than me! We don't get to start together often, but it was magic when we did.

*Christens POV*

The game was as physical as usual, I was sore and a little tired, but I was searching for my girl in the wide expanse of empty locker room. "Tobin?" I asked into the empty space, where was she hiding?

"Oh, I'm round the corner Chris," she replied, grinning I followed the sound.

"How many goals did I score?" I asked, smirking widely. 

"Uh, three," Tobin gulped, putting her hands in her pockets in defeat.

"Just out of curiosity how many assists did you get?" I asked, pulling her in close by her jacket.

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