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Billy's POV

I walked back to my dorm, and I couldn't get that girl out of my head, I don't know why.

"Joey." I said, as I saw him already in the room.

"What man?"

"You know that girl, Uhm, Jessica?"

"Yeah, why?" He said sitting up on the bed.

"I wanna know more about her."

He laughed and said, "If you're trying to get some out of her, trust me, she ain't giving it."

"What do you mean?" "It's like she doesn't know how to function around guys, she's really, really innocent."


"Maybe it's a good thing?" "Billy, it is not a good thing."

"It could be, cause at least I know she ain't a hoe."

"Yeah, but you are, everybody knows it." He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Well I can probably break her out of her shell."

"Yeah, good luck doing that Billy."


*Next Day*

Jessica's POV

Me and Carla were gonna grab some breakfast this morning, but I hated the school food, so I would just sit there.

I left the dorm room and in the corner of my eye, I could see Billy.

I turned my back and walked fast. "Hey Jessica! Wait up!" He said running towards me.

I turn around and he says, "Hey." And smiles. "Hi." I say back.

He puts his arm around me and I look up at him, and move away.

"You don't have to be rude." "Who do you think I am?"

"Jessica, now come on, just being friendly." I rolled my eyes and walked back over to him.

Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to him, it's not like he's done anything wrong.


He half smiles and makes sure he doesn't touch me.

Carla just looks at us and cringes, she's already said she could never see me with anyone like Billy.

We sit down at a table with some guys that I recognized from the other night. I already knew the names, since I'd had them in classes.

Hank, Snuffy, and Ricardo. And some little guy.

They kept calling him Yogurt, so I guess that was his name.

I just sat there, and didn't really talk to anyone. And Carla kept talking to Joey.

Billy was next to me, but talking to some other guys across the table.

I was about to get up, when Billy stopped me.

"Where you going?"

"I'm leaving."

"No you're not."

He sat me back down and I rolled my eyes, it's not like he was talking to me anyways.

I got up and quickly left.

I was outside when I saw Billy behind me. "Jessica, wait!"

He was sprinting towards me.

"Why'd you leave?"

"No one was talking to me, I was there for nothing."

"You were there for me."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever Billy."

I started walking ahead and he walked right beside me.

"Jessica, if ya want, I can walk you back to your dorm."



Billy's POV

I have no idea why, but she was getting to me.

I don't know why I'm getting feelings for her.


We were walking back to her dorm in silence, I don't think she feels too comfortable around me.

"So, Jessica."

She turned her head to look at me. "Hmm?"

"We should hang out sometime, I think I wanna bring you along with me and the guys."

"What do y'all do?"

"We pull pranks and stuff."

She shook her head and said, "Your ass is gonna get me in trouble."

I rolled my eyes, "No you wouldn't, cause the dean always places the blame on me and Joey, I don't think he would even think of you."

She turned her head away.

"Yeah, maybe."

I was trying to see if maybe I got her to hang around me and the guys, she would talk to me more often. And she's still be with her best friend since Carla's dating Joey.


I'm so so so sorry that this is boring, this is more like a filler chapter, sorry I updated late, I was binge watching Jenna Marbles and the jokes always hit me right in my giggle dick.


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