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Billy's POV

We got done with student count, and we were allowed out in the quad.

Me and the guys were talking.

"Hey, Uhm, Billy?"

I turned around, to see it was Carla.

She hadn't spoken in about 3 or 4 days.

She pulled me to the side.


"Is it hard for you right now, cause of Joey's death?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm trying to forget about it, why?"

"Cause I've been feeling just so empty lately. And I noticed you've been spending a lot of time with Jessica."

I nodded, "Yeah."

"I wouldn't get with her if I were you."

I rolled my eyes, "And why would you suggest that?"

"Cause, she's nothing like you-"

"That's why I want her."

"But still Billy, I could be what you want, what you need."

"What are you tryi-"

And before I could even finish my sentence, she kisses me.

Fucking kisses me.

I pushed her away and said, "Carla what the hell are you doing?!"

"I'm what you need!"

"I'm with Jessica, she's like your best friend, why would you betray her like that?"

"Cause I don't care about her.

I looked at her angrily.

"Well then don't fuck with either of us."

"You can't tell me what to do Billy."

"How in the hell did Joey ever stand you always around him, I can't stand you right now and I've only been here like 5 minutes."

She rolled her eyes and said, "I guess Joey was a better guy than you."

"Yeah, he definitely took one for the team."

She clenched her jaw and said in a low tone, "Listen Billy, I just want you to think about it."

"No, I'm with Jess, get that through your head."

She shook her head.

"She doesn't deserve you."

"No, she doesn't deserve you as a friend."

I walked away.


We were all back in the room.

But Hank, Snuffy, and Ricardo were in the cafeteria, and I didn't even know where Yogurt and Ted were.

It was just me, Carla, and Jess.

Carla was on the bed, eyeing down Jess.

And Jess was on the other bed trying to do her makeup with a compact mirror.

I looked at Carla and whispered, "I swear to god if you try to ruin it between me and her."

She wigged her eyebrows and said, "Jess, come here."

She turned around, "What?"

"I just wanted to tell you that today, I saw Billy kissed another girl out in the quad."

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