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Jess' POV

We all ran outside, and when we did, we saw cop cars everywhere.

Billy ran beside me and showed me that he still had the remote control.

A police officer walked by him.

"Hey sir, I have some evidence for you." He handed the cop the remote.

"What is this for son?"

"That was the remote that they held, it controls the explosives."

The cop looked at him crazy.

"I deactivated the bombs don't worry."

The cop walked in the building.

Billy looked at me and the guys.

"I did what I could do." He announced.

"I'm just glad you're okay." I told him.

I hugged him and still embracing, we looked at the door, to see anyone that came in or out.

Cops came out with the guys handcuffed.

Luis was one of them.

Billy looked down at me and smiled.

"I can't believe you actually did it." I told him, I really couldn't.

"Maybe, it's all over."

"I hope."

They took them all away, and some cops stayed behind to take all the bombs away and get them off the property.

All the students were hanging out in the quad in different places.

Me and the guys were standing over by the tree in the corner.

Carla wasn't talking to anyone.

Bitch, don't even think about talking to anyone, especially my man.

"What do you think will happen when we get out of here?" I asked Billy.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Probably go home, there's damage to our school you know, bullet holes and stuff."

The dean came over to us.

"They're sending all of you home until next semester."

We all smiled out of relief.

He walked away, and my smile faded.

I really had no home to go to.

My mom was dead, and my dad never paid attention to me, he cared more about work, and other women.

So, I don't live with him anymore, that's why I came to Regis, so I could be somewhere that's not home.

"What's wrong?" Billy asked me.

"I'm not going to my home, I hate it there."

"Why?" Billy then had a look on his face, like he regretted asking that question.

"I forgot, your mom." He added.

I nodded and he suggested, "You can stay at my place."

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