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Billy's POV

It was morning, and me and the group pulled off the best prank.

To get back at the dean, we placed all of his furniture outside.

It was funny as hell.

Everybody gathered around outside to see it, everyone looking at us knowing we did it.

Jessica and Carla walked up to us, and Jess said, "You guys did this?" We all nodded and smirked.

"Hell yeah we did." Joey said.

I would expect someone like Jessica to just roll her eyes or something and say we're bad.

But, she smiled and didn't say anything.

Something don't add up.

Carla glared at her and walked over to Joey and started hugging and kissing on him.

It made me sick sometimes but they've been together for a while.

We saw the Dean and administrator in the middle of the scene.

He pointed to all of us except Jess and Carla.

"Now will you boys have the honor of returning this furniture back to its original place?"

I was eating a banana so, I threw the peel in the trash can in front of us.

He looked at me and said in a compressed furious tone, "Pick. Up. That. Banana."

Ricardo and Hank started laughing and ran up to get it out of the trash.


It was around lunch and we were all in line, Carla was all over Joey, the guys were arguing in the back, and me and Jess were in the front.

I put my pinky in someone's food and said, "Taste test." I tasted it and it was gross as usual.

I had to clean the shit up.

We all sat at a table and Jess sat next to me.

"Are Carla and Joey always like this around y'all?" She asked.

"Yeah, pretty much, they never eve-" we heard gunshots.

We saw a few men enter the cafeteria with guns pointing them at all of us.

I grabbed Jess' arm and pulled her under a table with me.

I could feel she was shaking.

The men walked around a little and yelled for us to stand up.

They locked the doors all around us so we couldn't get out.

Jess grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight, it hurt but I didn't care.

One of them said something in Spanish, and a man started counting all the kids.

They counted all of us twice and confirmed there was 94 kids.

The Mexican one (his name was Luis) went through our file folders.

After he hit Ricardo in the knee, I jumped in to try and protect him.

"What's your name?" He said in my face.

"William Tepper."

He looked through my file

"Your father is contractor?"


"He owns the 2nd largest constructing company in the world." He said sounding impressed with the file.

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