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Jessica's POV

I'm just so sick of Carla pushing me around.

She thinks she knows what's best for me but she really doesn't.

Everybody looked back and forth at me and Carla after what I said.

I don't regret what I said.

It's how I feel.

Carla sat in the back of the room since no one was allowed to leave.

It was around 12 in the morning.

Everybody was trying to get some sleep in, cause we all had to wake up at 6 in the morning for a student count.

I couldn't really sleep though.

I wasn't gonna try to disturb anybody so I was gonna sleep on the floor.


I turned around, and it was Billy.

"I can let you sleep in the bed." He whispered.

"It's okay."

"Come on." He grabbed my hand and led me to the bed.

"You shouldn't sleep on the floor." He told me.

I pointed at 3 people sleeping on the floor and he said, "Yeah but you shouldn't have to."

I rolled my eyes and gave in.

I got in the bed, and he got in the bed with me.


We all heard a loud banging on the door. I opened my eyes and I heard Snuffy say, "Aw look at the cute couple of the year." He pointed at me and Billy.

I didn't know what he was talking about, until I turned around and saw his arms around me.

"Shut up." I said in a groggy voice.

I moved and Billy looked at me and pulled back his arms.

He got up quick and said, "Yeah, Uhm, we need to go guys."

He didn't lift his head up at all, I tried to look.

I got one glance and he was kinda red.

Was he blushing?

He can't be, I'm really nothing that anyone would like or blush for.

I just put that out of my head.

We all went down to the cafeteria and got in a line.

And one of the guys started counting us all.

He yelled, "94!"

Luis turned his head and looked at all of us.

"You all, may go into the courtyard, but, you will only have an hour, then it's back in here for another head count."

We all went outside, and nodded at each other to start the plan that we made up.

Joey and Snuffy were telling Billy what to do and I slid the book in the back of his pants.

"You have to be back at 9. That's the little hand on the 9."

Billy nodded and looked back at me.

"I promise I'll be back."

"Well why are you telling me? You should be telling that to the guys."

"I wanted you to hear my promise."

Then, he kissed my cheek.

Billy fucking Tepper.

He nodded at the guys and ran off.

"Man I hope he comes back in time." Joey remarked looking at his watch.

All I could think about, was that he kissed my cheek.

Joey looked at me and said, "Hello, earth to Jessica."

I looked at him and said, "What?" In a rather snappy voice.

"You were kinda lost there for a bit."

"Did you not see what happened?"

"Yeah, Billy kissed your cheek, so what?"

I looked at him funny, "I wanna know why."

He chuckled and said, "Stop being fucking stupid and realize that he likes you."

I shook my head, "No he doesn't, no one like him can like a girl like me."

"Well he does, since y'all met."

Then I thought back to how we met.

At the party that Carla dragged me to.


IM SO SORRY THIS IS A SHORT ASS CHAPTER but I'm on spring break and when I go back to school I have gasp 😂 #thuglife #fuckwitme

But seriously I need to update more y'all

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