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Jessica's POV

Billy still wasn't back yet, and they were gonna call us back in, in 2 minutes.

I was starting to get worried.

"Alright, everybody back in!" Yelled one of the guys, then we heard the bell rang.

We ignored it and tried to continue staying there and wait for Billy, but, one of Luis' guys shoved us back in the building.

We all stood in line as they were counting us.

I was hoping that Billy would bust through the door any minute.

"Get back in line, I already counted you." He said pushing Hank back to the other side of the line.

"93!" He yelled to Luis.

He then remarked, "1 missing."

"Did you think I was kidding!" He yelled.

I looked at the group next to me, and they were just as confused as I am.

Luis started pointing at people, "You, you, you-"

He pointed at Ricardo, "You-"

Then at me, "You." He pushed us against the wall.

Then we heard a door open.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was in the shower and I didn't hear the bell ring!"

We saw Billy running in with a towel around his waist and he was clearly out of breath.

"He's wet."

Luis felt his hair, "So he is."

He grabbed his arm and said, "Come with me." He dragged him down the hall, and the door shut.

"Alright, get back in line." The man shoved all of us back towards everybody else.


We were let outside again, an hour after all that happened.

Billy came near us, and with every step he took, there was a look of pain on his face.

I walked over to him and said, "What's wrong?"

He shook his head and replied, "Nothing."

He turned around and I saw blood on his shirt.

I lifted his shirt up, and there were huge cuts on his back.

"Billy, did he do this to you?"

He nodded and said, "Yeah, he said it was my "punishment"."

"So Luis is kinky, huh?" Snuffy smirked.

"Very funny Snuff." Billy said.

"I need to clean that for you."

"No, it's-"

"It's not okay, if I don't clean them, they hurt even worse or get infected." I informed him.

He sighed. "Fine."

The group all walked over somewhere else for some reason.

I used the water from the water fountain and a wash cloth Hank gave me to clean the cuts with.

He cringed Everytime I touched the cuts.


"It's fine." He said, through gritted teeth.

I had to do it more, so I tried to get through it quickly.

After about 5 minutes, I was done.

He put his shirt back down and I put the wash cloth on top of the fountain.

"Thanks." He said looking at me.

"No problem."

I tried to break the silence, "So Uhm, Joey told me-"

"About how I feel?" He cut me off.

I nodded.

"I mean, it's how I feel."

He was just really cool and calm about this, Everytime I like someone I get nervous as hell around them.

I guess guys are different about that.

"I just wanna know, like, why me?"

"Your innocence intrigues me."

"How? And what do you mean by that?" I got kinda offended.

"You're not like other girls here, you aren't hoeish, you don't really fuck with too much drama."


"I need someone like you."

I looked down from embarrassment.

God damnit Jessica pull yourself together.

We heard a door open, we looked ahead and saw Joey with a gun in his hand.

He started shooting at a guard.

Billy, Carla, and I immediately tried running too him, begging him not to stop.

But Hank was holding Billy back, Ricardo was holding me back, and Snuffy was holding Carla back.

Jesus Christ, why does Joey have to be this fucking stupid?


So I'm like really in an "update a lot" kinda mood, and btw happy Easter 🐰

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