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Billy's POV

We were still going along with the plan.

Everybody still believed it, including Carla.

Thank god cause she was the one person that we really wanted to convince.

We were all in the quad, and we had another hour until student check.

Since we knew Carla would be lurking, we talked to other people.

I was talking to Hank, and she was talking to some girls she knows.

Carla was nowhere in sight, I think she said to the group that she was going to the cafeteria.

"How's that breakup, Billy?" Hank asked me.

I did a so-so motion with my hand.

"I'm taking it okay, but hey she don't want me." I lied.

"Well man, we're gonna go meet Carla in the cafeteria, she said she wanted to talk to us."

I nodded and waved, "Okay."

Jess came over to me and asked, "Did they leave?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

She looked down for a minute and said, "I wanna take you up on your offer."

"About what?"

She pointed to my pocket, where I still had the condom.

I looked at her, "Are you sure?"

She nodded.

"I don't wanna pressure you to do anything."

"I know."

She grabbed my hand and we passed the guards.

She faked a limp and said, "We have to go to the room, I think I hurt my ankle."

They nodded at each other and the guards moved out of the way.

We walked in, and she started walking normally.

"I've brought out the inner bad in you." I laughed.

We got to the dorm and I closed and locked the door.

I walked over to her and she was looking out the window, I closed the blinds and started kissing her.

She walked back onto the bed and laid back.

I hovered over her and kissed her more.

I went from her lips, to her jawline, to her neck.

Then all the sudden, she flipped us over so she was on top.

Ooh damn.

Just like I did to her, she started giving me hickeys.

"For a shy girl, you know how to take charge."

She looked at me and giggled.

"Billy!" She whined.

"Save that for later." I smirked.

Then flipped us back over so I was on top.


About an hour later, everybody gathered in the cafeteria for student check.

"91... 92... 93... 94." The guy counted.

"All of them are here."

Luis spoke up.

"So, we've been in control for a while, and guess what? WE STILL HAVENT FOUND HIM!" He yelled the last sentence.

We all looked at each other.

He was walking around very slowly.

"We're gonna get tougher, cause we wanna leave as much as you all want us to."

He paused to look at all of us.

"All of you, back to your rooms."

We all gathered back into our dorms.

Me and Jess were still trying to follow through with the plan.

But that's not going well when we just got done having sex like 10 minutes ago.

Me and the guys were discussing s plan, while Jess was sitting on the bed, and Carla was sitting on the other.

About 20 minutes passed until we all agreed on what we were doing, and got quiet.

"I know y'all's secret." Carla said motioning to both of us.

We all turned to look at her.

"You took her virginity." She said to me.

I looked at Jess, then to her.

"What would make you think that?"

"Your empty condom wrapper on the floor, the hickeys on your necks."

I got a little nervous.

"Y'all can't hide anything from me, I'll always figure it out." She added.

"It's none of your business though, Carla."

She looked at Jess, "Was his dick good?" She asked sarcastically then smiled in a bitchy way.

Then Jess replied, "It was so great, since I know you're never gonna get it."

Carla jumped up and started hitting her.

We all tried to pry her away from Jess, but they pulled Jess back and I pulled Carla back.

"You better not touch my girl, I don't want you, never did, never will, can you just give up?!" I yelled in her face, getting her away from Jess.

She crossed her arms and said, "She shouldn't be with you."

"You saying that all the time is not gonna change my mind."

She rolled her eyes and say back down on the other bed.



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