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Billy's POV

We were all stunned by what Carla was saying.

I honestly didn't expect this to be true, but it all made sense.

"Now if you excuse me, I have to go use the bathroom." Carla walked out.

We all sat somewhere.

Jess sat next to me and started, "I can't believe it."

I looked at her.

"I can't believe she would do any of this, I thought she was my friend."

I put my arm around her and kissed her temple.

Carla came back in the room.

It went dead silent.

We were all stuck with her being in this room, for however long we had until this terrorist thing stopped and we were saved.

It was probably gonna be a while.

She smiled a fake smile at me and Jess.

"I hope you two have a wonderful time together."

"We will." I glared at her.

She clenched her jaw and stated, "I think you'd still be better off with me."

"Then stay in your thoughts." I started to become irritated.

After that, it went dead silent again.


We were allowed in the courtyard, and to make sure nothing happened, Jess stayed by my side.

The guys were discussing the plan somewhere else.

I honestly don't think we'll get it accomplished.

Carla was nowhere to be found.

Jess was holding my hand. "About this morning, I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

"It's okay."

"I didn't know she was just using me all this time."

I looked at her, "She must not've been using you for that long, cause she started doing this around when we met."

"When did we meet?" She questioned.

I thought back to when we met, and how long ago it was.

"Like 2 and a half to 3 weeks ago."

"That's not a very long time." She said.

"But I've liked you ever since."

She looked up at me.

"Why though?"

"I don't know, just something about you."

The guys walked up to us and explained the plan they came up with.

I was having second thoughts, "I don't really think it's a good idea y'all."

"It's perfect." Snuffy exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I almost got y'all killed the last time we thought a plan was "perfect"."

"Trust us Billy." Hank said.

I looked at them and said, "Fine, when do we start?"

"Tomorrow night."


It was late at night, and everybody was asleep, except for me and Jess.

"Wanna sneak out again?" I whispered.

She nodded her head, and we snuck out of the room.

We went to the basement, like we did the last time.

I closed the door and turned the light on.

We sat on the table and she said, "At least we're away from Carla."

I nodded, "How did y'all ever even become friends?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, we just kinda started talking in class."

"Well when you first met me you probably thought I was a douchebag."

We both laughed.

"You're cute." She said staring at me.

"Not too bad yourself." I wiggled my eyebrows, which made her laugh.

I leaned in, and we started kissing.

"That should be me."

We both got startled, and then we saw that Carla was standing beside the table, staring at us.

"How long have you been here?!" I exclaimed.

"Around the part of y'all kissing." She said with anger in her voice.

"Can't we ever just be alone?" Jess said, sounding desperate."

Carla shook her head, "Nope."

"Can you please leave? We were doing something." I edged.

"So? If all y'all are doing is kissing, why can't I be here?" She crossed her arms.

I scoffed, "Because it's awkward, it's weird."

"You're just trying so hard to break us up, aren't you?" Jess said to her.

She nodded and said, "Yeah, I'll leave y'all alone when y'all break up."

Me and Jess looked at each other.

"It's 3:35, I'm going back to the room." Carla then left.

I looked at Jess and said, "I have a plan, and I think it'll work."


This chapter is so short please forgive me, I have no idea why I'm updating this at midnight, but spring break almost over and I'll have in school suspension for 3 days when we go back so yay me 🙄

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