chapter 15

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~ Chapter 15 ~

I listen as the last of the castle head into their rooms, the guard on the castle perimeter being the only ones awake. Silently opening my door I listen for anyone and when I hear nobody I slip out, into the dark hallway.

Heading left I silently walk down the right side, breathing shallow and pressing my back up against the stone wall. There's only doors on the left side.

Stopping at a corner I listen again and hear nobody, turning the corner I see a row of doors and another hallway. I test each door quietly only to find people sleeping, people I could easily kill.

I continue my search for exits, hideouts, secret rooms and anything that could come in handy.

Only the servants quarters in the far back of the castle, cramped into one room. The kings chambers at the far left away from the servants. I also found empty bedrooms, the guards quarter's, three exits, a weapon room and a torture room hidden deep in the castle that seems isolated. However nobody was inside so I left.

As the sun starts rising I head back to my room without being noticed and head into the bathroom. Taking out my brown eye contacts I place them on the counter, along with my blonde wig.

Throwing my clothes in the laundry I get in the shower, the makeup on my skin to cover my tattoos and scars washes down the drain. Lucky for me this bathroom has makeup stocked up.

Once I've showered I get dry, blow dry my hair and put the blonde wig back on along with my brown eye contacts. Recovering my scars and tattoos with makeup I grab a random dress in my size and put it on. I also grab some matching flats and slip them on.

Man up seva. Its a dress. Do it for your pack.

Brushing my teeth I wait in my room for a while until Amelia knocks on my door.

"Good morning Miss Knight, the king requests your presence for breakfast" she says in a shaky voice with her head hung low. I notice a bruise on her hands as they twist together nervously, at a certain angle a large purple handprint look like its been pinning her hands together.

I'd know what that means anywhere. I've pinned enough men below me as I killed them to know that the bruise could only have formed like that by being pinned by someone.

Is she being abused?

There's no mark on her neck so she doesn't have a mate, and by the raw red skin hidden under her maid dress Its easy to see that she's scrubbed harshly at her skin.

But why?

"Of course, are you joining us?" I ask softly, it takes everything in me to fight down my burning rage. I didn't like being around other females. I didn't like being around somebody I knew nothing about. But something about her makes me feel slightly sorry for her.

She shakes her head quickly while fear oozes from her "servants are not allowed in the kings presence without his permission" she whispers.

What the fuck?

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