chapter 42

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~ Chapter 42 ~

I feel someone's hand gently shake my shoulder, waking me from my peaceful slumber.

Letting out an annoyed groan I crack my eyes open slowly, rubbing them I let out a tired yawn.

Turning my head to the culprit I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Where are we?" I ask with a raspy voice, partially from loss of sleep and dehydration.

"In the human city, I've booked us into the hotel. I didn't want to risk carrying you and hurting you" he explains softly and I nod. Untucking my legs I step out of the car as he opens the door for me, stretching out my stiff body ignoring the pain in my back. Its a little better, but not much.

The gash on my face is bad but the pain from my back overrides the pain on my face.

He grabs his book and my knife, hiding it in his black bottoms before shutting the car door. He offers me his hand and I take it hesitantly. We walk into the expensive hotel and he takes me straight up to our room.

As soon as the hotel door shuts I relax more.

"Can you help me please?" I ask him softly and he nods, instantly appearing at my side and carefully helping me out of his jumper. I sigh with relief as the cool air hits my bare skin.

Noticing a bathroom I head towards it and switch the lights on, going over to the mirror I look at myself. My once dark brown healthy hair now filled with dirt and blood, let's not forget the grease. They didn't let me shower very often, every 1-2 weeks.
My bright blue happy shining eyes now dulled, filled with disgust as I look at myself. My clear light tan skin thick with dirt, the gash on my cheek close to getting infected if not cleaned.

I turn in the mirror slowly and pull my hair from my back to lift it up, dirt and blood cover my back. From what I can see I have around 8 huge deep gashes still bleeding, and about 15 smaller ones although they're still big.

Old ones already leaving many scars behind.

My own family did this to me.

Sliding my shoes off one foot at a time I push my jeans down and step out of them. The back of my bra rubs on some gashes causing pain which I ignore. I need clean undergarments, these are disgustingly dirty and Its knocking me sick.

"I'm going to get some food, what do you like?" He asks me and I look at him surprised. How long has he been stood there?

"Anything really, just brings lots please" I reply smiling gently, he smiles slightly and nods.

"Do you need anything whilst I'm out?" He asks already knowing the answer.

"Undergarments and clothes please..if you don't mind that is" I tell him softly knowing some males aren't happy about getting female stuff. My pack would do it for me if asked but it didn't exactly thrill them to pick out my bras for me.

"Its fine what sizes?" He asks shrugging. Once I tell him the sizes I need he leaves and I let out a puff of air.

Everything seems so...right..with him.

I'd get a bath but with how much dirt is on me I decide against it and choose the shower.

Finding a new hairbrush I carefully brush it and ignore the pain my movements cause. Once its de-knotted I take off my bra and panties, throwing them in the bin instantly.

Walking to the shower I step inside and set the water to hot and stepping under it.

As the hot water pummels down on my body I clench my fists and grit my teeth as it rips open my flesh more. Washing my hair twice to make sure its clean I then lather it in conditioner. Leaving it to soak in I grab the body wash and scrub my body until I feel clean. Washing the dirty soap off I then wash my body again along with shaving everywhere. Once again I wash it off and wash the conditioner from my hair before switching off the shower.

Stepping out I grab a huge white fluffy towel and wrap it around me, holding it securely I enter the bedroom. Having nothing else to do I lay across the huge bed on my stomach as laying on my back would cause more pain and blood.

The gashes have started to bleed again but thankfully the towel is soaking it up for me. Shutting my eyes I rest my head on my arms and drift off to sleep.



Entering the hotel room with the bags I go silent as I see the female fast asleep on the huge bed.

Quietly shutting the door I place the bags down, taking the six bags filled with clothes and other items for her I start to pack it all away. Placing her new clothes and pajamas on the coat hangers, her undergarments in the draw, her new shoes under her clothes, and rest such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, and everything else a female might need in the bathroom.

The few items I got for myself I simply leave in the bag to give her more room, taking the bags of KFC I got I place it in the microwave.

The human city were currently in isn't very big, it has few shops and I know seva has probably never eaten KFC before but the humans seem to like it. If she doesn't however I'll get her something else.

I notice as I turn to her that her towel is a deep red on her back, the water must have reopened all of her gashes completely.

If she doesn't get stitches or some kind of help she's going to bleed to death.

Her angelic face completely at peace with no worries or thoughts as she sleeps, the pain that shows in her eyes when she's awake is almost unbearable.

She saved me. From the castle yes but she's saved me more than she could ever know.

She's the most beautiful woman I've ever met. She's strong, skilled, smart, stubborn, confusing, hot tempered, and a hell of a lot more.

Careful not to wake her I open the top of her towel so her back is on show. Brushing her wet long hair from her back I place it over her shoulder.

Grabbing the needle and threat I got from a store I sit beside her slim toned body and carefully start to stitch up her gashes. Once the skin is pulled together it'll make it easier for her wolf to heal her.

Despite it being the first time id ever stitched someone up it looked neat and less violent than before.

Grabbing a damp cloth I wipe the blood from around the closed gashes gently and take the blood soaked towel from her, replacing it with a clean one.

I wouldn't look at her body without her consent, no matter how much my mind and heart were telling me to.

I lift her head gently and place a pillow under it so she doesn't get a cricked neck, shifting her body into a more comfortable position without ripping open her stitches.

She's completely out of it. She didn't stir once the entire time.

I watch her sleep for a while in awe, she's completely beautiful and she doesn't see it.

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