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School is one of the most exhausting and draining part of life. I'm honestly not sure how I'm surviving my sophomore year. Okay, that's a lie Ace is the reason why. He's the most constant thing in my life. Thinking about Ace I wonder what he's doing right now, probably spacing out in class or doodling in his notebook, fuck now I can't get the image of him out my head.

"Aiden, I said what's the answer", my teacher ask.

"Umm 21?" And just like that the whole class burst out in laughter even my teacher can't help but laugh.

"Okay guys settle down, Aiden pay attention next time", I nod my head yes. "okay guys that's all for the day."

I was quick to leave the classroom and head to the cafeteria where I knew Ace was waiting for me.

"Ace", I holler, hoping to obtain his attention. My arms were swinging back and forth frantically as I stand on my tiptoes.

"Aiden", ace called, beckoned me toward table he sitting at. The smile radiating his lips at my arrival made my smile grow even wider.

Ace got up from his seat to properly greet, me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I miss you" he whisper in my ear before letting me go.

"I miss you too."

"Are you hungry", Aiden continue to ask me the same question everyday, and the answer never change.

"No", and just like every other day he still bought me lunch that I only eat half of before giving him the rest.

Lunch was tranquil and relaxing. We listen to indie music on Ace phone sharing a single headphone. From the corner of my eyes, I peep Ace watching me.

I'm obsessed with watching him watch me. He looked at me like I was the answer to every question running through his head.

"Overthinking kills the mind", he whispered smiling at me. The song was long over and the sound of kids chatting surround the room.

"I can't run away from my thoughts", was my lame respond.

"You have been drowning in your thoughts lately."

He's right.

"What have you been thinking about."



"What about life" he chucked, I'm memorized by the way his lips moves when he talks.

"Nothing specific just how unfair life can be."

"Oh" and just like that the conversation is over and the next song plays.


"Ace", a squeaky voice yell running down the hall.

We both turn around to find Becky one of the most well-known kid at our school coming toward us, well Ace. I was shock that she was brave enough to even try to converse with Ace. Everyone was afraid of him, and they had good reason too. Ace was a bad boy in every sense of the word. He stood at 6'4, 200 pounds of solid muscles. He had multiple tattoos decorating his body, pair with beautiful blue-gray eyes.

"What", Ace mumble clearly annoyed

"Be nice", I whisper in his ear, rubbing his back.

"Fine", he forces out and I smile.

I zone out of the conversation thinking back to a couple nights ago when Ace told me, I make him want to be good for me. And I still remember how hot my face got and the feeling of million of butterfly erupting inside my stomach.

"NO!" Ace voice booming through the halls brings me back to the present.

"No, what?, I ask Ace who clearly done with the conversation.

"I'm throwing a party tonight and I thought it would be nice if you guys could come", Becky answer for him.

"Yes, we can come, right Ace", I eagerly respond trying to display an adorable sad face.

"Fine", he mumbled. "The things I do for you" he whispered the last part with the intent of me not hearing it.

"Amaz, party starts at 7 my house", her bubbly personality was both entertaining and annoying.


So this is how a high school party looks like. I invasion it so differently. I based my image and expectation of a high school party on the movies and shows I watch over the years. Media seriously let me down, this wasn't what I imagine. There weren't people dancing to wild music as they desperately try to hold on to their red cup. No one was kissing in the corner or making out on the porch. The music was on low and the guest sat in chairs chatting with red cups in there hands. I almost wanted to just tell Ace, we should go.

An hour into the party and the once dead room is now alive by the vibration of the music drumming through the walls. Kids are scatter on the dance floor singing along to whatever mainstream song is playing. This is exactly what I image my first high school party to be like.

Ace is sitting on the couch hiding by the wall as I stand in front of him dancing since he refuses to dance with me. I'm not sure what song is playing but my hips are swaying to the catchy beat ringing in my ears. I feel so alive, especially with the way Ace is watching me. He takes a sip of his drink my eyes never leaving his as he focus on the seductive way my hips are moving.

"Come here" Ace beckoned me with a curl of his fingers.

I slowly walk closer up and stand directly in front of him. He pulls my chin down and pour some of his drink inside my mouth. The fruity taste has me reaching for more and a slight chuckle escape his parted lips.

"Not too much", he whispers kissing my cheeks.

"Who the fuck invited you" A voice boom from behind me.

"Fuck off Seth" Ace says standing up.

"Or what, your going to go home crying to mommy, oh wait the bitch is dead."

Before the words fully leaves his mouth I'm charging at him. Who the fuck does he think he is, how dare he say something so disgusting and hurtful to Ace like that. How dare he talks about Ace mother in such a disrespectful way.

He's not expecting me to get on him so I'm able to get a few punches in before he comes to his sense and decks me in the jaw. In a blink of an eye, Seth is off of me and Ace is beating the shit out of him.

"Don't you ever fucking touch him" he yells as he continued to repeatedly throw punches at him. By now there's a crowd of people surrounding us and one of them reaches to pull Ace off of Seth. Ace finally let's go and turns to me with concern express in his eyes.

"That was fucking bad ass", Ace praises me, checking out my jaw to make sure nothing is broken. I can't help the smile that makes way to my lips despise the pain in my jaw.

"Don't ever do that again" he yells at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think. I had to defend you, what he said..that was so fuck up..", I can't even finish my sentence because the tears are coming down rapidly and my breathing is getting hard. "You know I'll do anything for you right", I whisper in his chest as he holds me.

"And I'll do anything for you."

(Not sure if i should continue this story since I haven't finish my other one. tell me what you guys think)

Instagram- @sadd.truth

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