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I'm laying on Ace bed with him and Alex. Alex is busy on Ace phone laying next to Ace. Ace is typing something on his laptop. My head lay on his lap, feet tucked under me lost in my thoughts.

I'm slowly losing my mind worrying about Ace.

Someone is physically hurting him and I think I know who it is. Well who she is. I been in this house for about 2 weeks and during this time I have been observing Ace behavior around the people he live with. His father isn't home as often but when he is home, he makes it a priority to spend one on one time with him. You would have to be blind to not see how close they are. There bond is something every father wish they had with their son. Now Lisa is another story. He thinks I don't notice the way his body tense whenever she's in the same room as him, or the heavy way he breathe when shes gets too close. It kills me inside to know exactly what he's going through and not be able to do a thing about it. I feel so powerless and useless. I want to speak up and say something but i'm afraid that Ace is going to hate me for it. All I want to do is save him.

I need to think positive. I haven't found a new bruise on Ace since the first day we move in, i'm happy about that. She knows better than to try anything with me around. All I need is proof and once I get that I won't hesitate to tell his dad. First I need to tell him I know what's going on. 

The sound of the phone ringing rescue me from my thoughts.


"Aiden, it's me Your mothe-

"Mom", I yelled into the phone forgetting that Alex was right next to me. Thank god he was too observe inside his own little world to pay any attention to the words coming out my mouth.

"Yes Aiden it's your mother I need you to bring me my son"

"Bring you your son, are you fucking kidding me. I'm not bringing him anywhere", I whisper yelled getting out of the bed Ace hot on my tail.

"He's my son Aden don't forget that"

"You don't forget that. Did you remember he was your son when you left us on our own no money no warning, nothing, did you remember he was your son when you went days forgetting to feed him and I had to do it. In all the ways that count... he's isn't your son." with that being said I hang up the phone throwing it across the room. Ace was right there to comfort me.

"Aiden come here", I jump into his arms crying my eyes out.

"It's going to be okay" he whispered rubbing circles on my back. His voice was like magic it had the power to calm me down. I removed my head from his neck and his thumb wipe the falling tears from my check. Ace possess pretty eyes, there a greenish grey that stands out on his tan skin.

"Your eyes are beautiful", I voice my thoughts.

"You're beautiful;", My heart precisely skip a beat.

Ace big hands gently cup my cheek, my eyes never once leaving his. His eyes distracted me from his moving lips that were closing me on mines at a pace so slow. It was like he was waiting for me to tell him to stop. His hands grip my cheek harder as his lips descended on mines. The KIss was slow, nothing more than a lingering peck. His eyes watch my reaction before he kiss me again molding his lips into mines. Are connected lips move to a magical beat running through our heads. My hands wrap around his neck and his hands left my cheek to rest on my hips. Both our head tilted opposite side tongue licking, lips biting, hands grabbing.


We both pull back to breathe realty settling back in. Thank god Alex was distracted playing a game on Ace phone.

"I'm sorry", Ace whispered licking his slightly swollen lips.

"Don't do that, I wanted you to kiss me as much as you wanted to kiss me" My arms reach out to pull him back to me.

his smile made me happy.

"What does this mean",

"I don't know... it can mean whatever we want it too the possible are endless." I didn't want to rush it.

"Okay, just promise me I can kiss you again", A giggle escape from my parted lips.

"I promise", Ace lips were attacking mines again.

"Ewwww Ace now you got the cooties", Alex adorable voice interrupted the kiss.

"Cooties cooties", I join in.

"You got the cooties too Aiden", I faked hurt. Me and Ace share a look before looking back at a confuse Alex.

"I think Alex wants to get the cooties to", I said tapping my chin.

"No,no", Alex yelled.

"Yeah I think so too", Ace join in. We both reach our arms out to Alex. We capture him kissing his cheek and tickling his tummy. His giggles were so contagious, before we knew it we were all laughing in the bed.

"Now we all got the cooties", Alex huff adorably. He's soo cute ,I just want to eat him. We laid on the bed catching our breathe, Alex at the end me in the middle and Aiden in the front.

"That was fun, now we need to take a nap", Ace said. Alex was already yawning snuggling closer to me. I pull the covers over up and Ace turn off the lamp and use a remote to close the curtain. Ace muscular arms wrapped around my waist pulling my front to his back and Alex snuggle even closer. No one was taking Alex from me. I can do this, I wasn't alone anymore.

"I promise you will never be alone", were the last words I heard before I close my eyes sleep drifting me away. 

Sorry I took forever to update I been really busy studying for my A.P English test and getting ready for prom and college stuff, got to make sure I get into a good college. Anyways "like" and "Comment" Please. 

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