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This is just to hold you guys off until I start updating frequently. Hopefully you guys appreciate this chapter. One of my readers (Joantelle ) give me the idea to write this. So you guys can thank her.

"Mom", my voice was weak as I called out to her. For a second there I forgot who she was and what she did. For a split second I was that little boy who called out to his mom and she came bearing love and security.

"Where's my son", and just like that she was the monster I now know her as.

"Last time I check, you don't have a son "MOM", I sarcastically said removing Alex from behind me, grabbing his forearm to pick him up. He put on a lot of weight since we been living with Ace.

"Give me my son and leave my fucking house", this little shit was really trying me. I dare her to lay a finger on my baby. I continue to walk in the house with Alex in my hand ignoring her. Hopefully she'll go away. I wish my dad was here, things would of been so much different.

"Aidan I'm talking to you, don't walk away from me when I'm trying to speak to you", I can't afford to spend a second entertaining a trivial conversation.

She was trying to grab my arm but I was quick enough to move to the other side.

"Aidan, mommy scarring me", Alex tuck his little head underneath my chin.

"It's okay baby, mommy just really happy to see you, but she's not going to take you away from me okay", I needed to get out of here fast before voices starts yelling and the crazies emerge.

"That's right baby mommy just wants her baby back", she was coming to close for my liking.

"NO!!, I don't want to go with her. I want to stay with you and Ace. Don't make me go!!, he was starting to cry now and my heart was hurting so much. I needed to get us out of here.

"It's okay baby, no one taking you away from us okay. Your stuck with me forever shorty", his cries settle a bit and a giggle escape his lips at the Nickname I had for him.
"Your obviously scarring him, so where leaving. You need to stay away from us", I didn't give her time to comprehend what I was saying before I was speed waking out the door. Of course the evil witch follow me. I quickly stripe Alex inside the car seat before closing the door and locking it.

"Your not leaving with my son, you ungrateful bitch", the nerves of this women.

"Your son? don't make me laugh "mom", how dare you even call yourself a mother. You make me sick. How dare you try to take Alex away from me. You can't even take care of yourself. Look at you, barely keeping yourself together. Your only going to hurt him, I don't want him to grow up like me, having to fend for myself at a young age of 8. I use to sing myself to sleep, bathe my self if I wanted to stay clean, walk myself to and from school everyday. I had to be the adult when you were too lazy to. So don't you dare come next to me or Alex again".

With that being said I open the car door shutting it in her face speeding off. Alex had falling to sleep during that little rant.

I didn't know where to go. ace still needed his space. I guess where staying at a hotel tonight. Alex will love jumping on the bed. That though brought a smile to my face.

I really want to call Ace and rant to him about my fuck up day, but I don't want to seem needy in his time of need. I'm starting to feel guilty for leaving him, but he needs, this one on one time to heal.

I'll just call him before I go back him. Hopefully he still wants me. Us. Whatever "US" is.

Ace  (Not Edit)Where stories live. Discover now