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^^Because I thought I was cute. Lmao I'm made irrelevant but my highlight tho😍 okay let me stop being annoying.

I relentlessly open my tired eyes as the loud ringing of my alarm clock Shock Me from my well needed sleep.

As much as I wanted to close my eyes, waking up to the two most important people in my arms was further more satisfying.

Alex small body was curve underneath me obsorbing all my warmth. His head of curls poking out.

Beside him lay Aiden his Body was wrapped around Aiden his legs tangle with mines.

I couldn't think of a better way to be woken up, than with my family.

I was so invested in watching them as they sleep peacefully I didn't hear the sound of the door bell ringing until the familiar sound of the door bell turned into loud banging of fist.

I quickly got off the bed making sure not to wake Aiden or Alex up. I threw on my shirt from yesterday and made my way to the door.

Who the hell was ringing my door at 7:00 in the morning. No one knew where we were accept my dad since he was paying the bills.

"Who is it", I asked looking through the peep hole.

"The most amazing dad every", my father said from outside the door.

I chuckled lightly shaking my head before opening the door for my dad.

"Hey son", my dad said hugging me. "Where's my future grandson and son in law", he said laughing.

"Dad!!" I said, Feeling embarrassed.

"What, I'm only speaking the truth", my dad said faking innocent.

"There sleeping by the way. Alex had a nightmare last night. It was a struggle trying to put him back to sleep...there both really tired"

"Hope I didn't wake you up from your beauty sleep because you need it"

"Dad!!", I said lightly punching his shoulder.

"I'm just kidding kid. But on a serious note be gently with him. he been through a lot, he's going to depend on you to be strong because he had to be strong so long he can't do it anymore, he's fallen apart kid. Thread lightly", my dad Said patting my shoulder.

"Thanks dad, for everything..I love you ", I said holding back tears.

My dad pulled me into a hug. "Love you too kid", he said pulling back. "I should probably go I just wanted to make sure you guys where okay, and I see that you are. I'm proud of you son"

we hug one more time before he leaves for work.
I stare quietly at the close door A gentle smile Place on my lips.

"Who was that", Aiden ask scaring the crap out of me.

I jump up a bit holding my hand to my racing heart.

"Dude you scared the crap out of me" I said looking down at a nervous Aiden.

"Sorry", he said hugging my waist.

"It's fine. And that was my dad, he was checking to makes sure were settling in well", I said kissing the top of his head.

"Okay", he whisper in my chest

"Let's go back to bed, yeah", I said pulling him back so I could grab his small hands.

We settle back into bed and allow sleep to brace us with its present.


"Alex hurry up and finish your breakfast", Aiden said packing Alex lunch inside his book bag.

I was watching him from the kitchen while doing the dishes. He looked so cute frustrated.

2 week has passed since we first got here. Things has been getting better. Aiden been more at ease. He had one or two panic attack but besides that he's been getting better. I would love to take all the credit but the therapist he's been seeing help too.

"All finish", Alex cheer with sticky hands.

I could sense Aiden was starting to lose his patients so I decided to step in.

"Here, put his plate in the dish washer I'll get him clean up and than I'll drive you guys off", I said quickly pecking Aiden soft lips. Aiden send a relief smile my way mouthing "thank you".

"All right you little bugger time to get clean up", I said picking up Alex to throw him up in the air. He giggle chanting "again, again".

I been in class since 8:00 and it was now 2:30 the teacher was erasing the board and the kids quickly pack up to swiftly exit the classroom.

I got up from my seat getting ready to leave the room with the swarm of kids, once I exit I waste no time walking to the parking lot where my jeep wangner Was parked, waiting for my arrival.

Alex school ended at 3 and Aiden ended at 3:30 so I had enough time to get both of them, and even pick up something for Alex to eat while we drive to pick up his brother. 

The drive was shortly love as I see myself Parking in front of Alex school. I exit my car and walk towards the school building where I see other parents waiting for there kids. 

A light breeze blows my hair onto my face, erupting goosebumps on my tan arms and a chill goes down my Body. It was starting to get cold. Good thing I packed a sweater inside Alex Dora book bag.

I walk towards the school yard spotting Alex standing with the rest of his class chatting away with his friends.  

Alex spots me walking towards him. He turns towards his teacher asking for permission to leave. His teacher looks my way before allowing him to walk to where I'm am.

Alex hurriedly runs in my arms allowing me to pick him up tickling his belly. He waves one more time to his teacher before he walk to the car.

Once Alex was tuck safely in his car seat, we were on our way.

"How was school rabbit", I said making up nickname for him.

Alex giggle lightly in the back putting his sweater on due to the cold air taking over the car.

"It was great acy, I made lots of friends with the boys and the girls", he said happily clapping his tiny hands together.

"That's great rabbit", I said a smile gracing my lips. I was happy he was happy.

"Can we go to McDonald's, acy", he ask innocently playing with his toy car.

"Right after we pick up Aiden, okay", I said turning back to him.

" okay", he said looking back at me.

I give him one more reassuring smile before continue to drive.

Hope you guys enjoy like comment and share thank you.

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