"New" Ace

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I slam my front door giving it one last kick before walking away from my house. I needed to get the fuck out of there I felt so suffocated inside those four walls.

It was 10 pm and I had nowhere to go I could not stay home, not when my demon lives there.

"Fag", the words ring in my ears like the person who said them was sitting right next to me whispering it in the wind.

"Fuck!!" I yelled hitting the steering wheel.

She knew just how to hurt me not just physically but more so mentally.

I'm a big guy and she's small and I know if I touch her it's over for me. Even though I'm the victim. Who's going to believe me especially when she's a good liar.

I use to believe her once upon a time.

The moon and the stars illuminate the night sky. A cool breeze past through me as soft music hum from the stereo. I pulled up to a random bar on a mission to get buzz and let off some steam.

The bar is pack just how I like it, which mean it will be easy to get in.

The bouncer lazily scans my fake ID before letting me in.

The bar is jam pack, lifeless bodies walking with lost thoughts of finding someone to take home or how many bottles they could drink before they forgot their names.

"Two beer please". I said to Phil the bartender.

"Sure thing Ace, you okay", he asked grabbing my drink.

"Just peachy", I said taking my drinks from him.

I open my beer chugging the first one down before reaching for the second. I didn't want to get wasted I just needed to get buzz.

Once I had my liquor in me I grabbed my keys and got up to leave.

"Watch where you're going dude", some guy said right after he bump into me.

"Maybe you should watch where you're fucking going", I said continue to walk away.

"What you say kid", the guy said tapping my back.

"I said watch where the fuc-", my sentence was cut short by a fist swinging at my jaw.

"Fuck", I said getting ready to swing back at him.

He's drunk so his hits are sloppy I'm able to easily Dodge his hit before punching him in the jaw. He stumbled and falls on the floor, I took my opportunity to get on top of him and start swinging left and right. It didn't take long before his friends jump in kicking me in the back and the other punch me in the stomach.

"Only Pussy jump," I said still attacking the guy on the floor, one thing my dad told me about getting jump is if you can't get them all make sure you get one and beat the shit out of him.

"Stop that right now before I call the cops", Phil yelled getting the second guy from behind me and the third from my side. Once they were off of me I let their friend go.

My side hurts like hell but I didn't care I quickly left the bar running back to my car before Phil really call the cops and I get in trouble for my fake ID.

I was driving nowhere, I was driving in the cool night aimlessly and thoughtlessly. I had no destination but I was on a journey.

somehow I found myself park in front of Ace house it was well past  2am. But I didn't care, I needed to see him. He made everything better. I climbed up the ladder purposely placed against his wall so I can climb up to his window, the same window that was left unlock every night.

I took my bloody shirt of and walked inside his bathroom to clean up. Once I looked presentable enough I got out. I was surprised that Aiden is still sleeping.

I took my shoes and my pants off leaving me in my boxers shorts.

I tiptoe to his bed being gentle not to wake him. I quickly slip under his cover pulling him closer to me as he snuggled into my chest.

This is home  

Hope you guys like and enjoyed this chapter I will be posting again by Saturday or maybe sooner.

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