Aiden cont..

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I stared blankly at my
fragile reflection in the bathroom mirror.

It felt like everything around me was falling apart and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I needed to get my life back.

I know I totally freak out earlier when I though Alex was missing, but I can't help but be worry.

Just the though of her taking him away leaves me in panic.

I quickly turn on the water fountain and splash some cold water on my face. I wipe my face dry glancing at my reflection one more time before turning away to walk out the bathroom.


"What are we", I weakly ask Ace, once he finish putting Alex into bed, and we were lock in our new room. He sat on the edge of the bed taking off his shirt.

"That's your call to make", he said pulling my hand so I could stand in front of him.

"Are we together?, I ask playing with his hair as he wrapped his arms around my tiny waist.

"Yes, if your okay with that" he said, placing me in his lap.

a sincere smile grace my lips for the first time in a long time.

"I'm more than okay with that", I rushed out kissing his cheek. He smiled at me kissing my nose.

"So what now boyfriend", I said loving the way the word boyfriend roll off my tongue.

A mischievous smirk replace his smile, as soon as the words came out my mouth.

"Well boyfriend, I think we should kiss to seal the deal", he said smiling innocently at me.

"Oh really", I ask giggling.

"Really", Ace said pulling me and him on top of the bed. We landed with me laying on my back and Ace hovering on top of me.

He gently comb his big hands threw my hair as his blue eyes stared hungrily at my moist lips.

"Your so beautiful", Ace said. His voice was gentle so low.

"I'm in love with you", I rush out, my heart beating out my chest.
"I know it's too soon but I love you, and not just as a a lover". I know I probably should of waited but the moment just seen so perfect.

"Hey look at me", Ace said lifting up my chin to look at him. "I'm in love with you too".

As soon the words left his beautiful mouth my small arms were wrapping itself around his neck to pull him into a hug.

I swear I was smiling so hard I though my lips were going to tear into two. I was just that happy.

"So can we kiss n-", I didn't let him finish my lips were already attaching to his.

Are lips move together smoothly to a beat inside our heads. Sucking and biting as we try to memorize the taste of each other lips.

Ace wondering hands were slowly making way down my side and into my loose boxer. His cold finger tips caught me by surprise as a silent gasp left my parted lips. Ace took that as a opportunity to slip his wet tongue into my mouth.

Are tongues wrapped around each other like a blanket as we saver the taste of each other mouth. His breathe smelled like mint toothpaste. His deliciously alluring scent had me hungry for more as I deepen the kiss even more, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck.

Ace broke the kiss to pull his oversize shirt off my heated body. His skilled lips attached itself on my neck as he kissed and suck on the sensitive skin. My back arch when he found my weak spot and a small moan escape my swollen lips.

My skin was burning up from pure pleasure I didn't want him to stop, just him touching me set me alight.

Ace lift his head up to lightly peck my lips before hesitating to pull down my boxers a bit.

"Are you sure", he asked slightly worried.

Was I sure, I knew I love him but I wasn't sure I was ready, but I didn't want to stop.

The sound of small first banging on the door had Ace quickly removing his self from on top of me. I would of laugh at how confused he looked if I wasn't to busy trying to pull my boxer back up and put on my forgotten shirt.

"Daddy", Alex cry entering the room, tears streaming down his pink cheeks.

", don't cry okay", I said picking Alex up in my arms. I gently rub his back as his cry slow down. "Did you have a bad dream baby".

He shook his head yes before placing his head back in my chest.

No wonder he called me daddy, he usually call me that when he's really scared.

"We'll talk about it tmrw okay, it wasn't real...No one can get you", I said continuing to rub his back.

Alex yarn tiredly. I stayed still rubbing his back until he fell back to sleep.

"He called you daddy", Ace said worriedly. "You don't want him getting confuse Aiden"

"I know", I said sadly.

"You should probably move over we got company."

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