"New" Aiden

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The warm air invites the waterworks of sweat to form on my palms. The May heat leaves me feeling a bit dizzy and  weak, or it could've been the fact that I have not  ate since the morning. It was a struggle trying to keep myself from fainting as I quickly walk to pick up my little brother from school.

A small smile grace my lips when I spotted the familiar gates of Alex school, I unconsciously quicken my pace.

"Aiden!!" Alex yelled running towards me. His little arms wrap around my legs as he hug me.

"Hey shorty!!", I said picking him up and tickling him. "How was school."

"School was so much fun" he said clapping his hands together.

"That's good, when we get home you can tell me all you learned today.",I weakly said nodding at his teacher to let her know we were leaving.

"Bye Alex", Alex classmate yelled waving to him as we walked away.

The house was quiet when we walked in. The lights were off and the door was unlock. I didn't have to guess, mom was home and she was either drunk or with someone. Let's hope for Alex sake I was wrong.

I was feeling nervous at the thought of her being home. I just wanted to have a quite Evelyn with Alex and maybe even invite Ace over.

"Mom", I yelled shutting the door and locking it.

"Mom", I yelled again praying that she was asleep or maybe not home.

"What the fuck do you want", she yelled coming down the steps.  The loudness of her voice frighten Alex, he moved his little body closer to mines.

I picked his shaking body up rocking him so he would calm down.

"I just wanted to know if you were home, I'm going to go upstairs now", I quickly said walking past her.

"While you're down here go make dinner and clean up this fucking house you lazy piece of shit", she said pulling me back by the collar of my baggie shirt.

The tears tickle my eyes as I bite my lips to stop myself from crying. It's not like I never heard her say worst before, it's just that..it do not matter how many time she talks down on me it still hurts.

"Ouch, you're choking me", I yelled ripping her hand off of me.

"Watch your tone when you're in my house you ungrateful little slut", she yelled getting in my face.

I didn't want to scared Alex anymore so I kept my mouth shut and quickly by step her so she couldn't pull me back. Once in my room I locked the door. I took Alex book bag off of him and change his school clothes to his pjs. Alex had some clothes and toys in my room since he was in here most of the day . Only at night did he go in his room to sleep.

I grab his book bag again and took his homework from inside of it. Once his school work was in my hand I called him from the bed where he was laying playing a game on my phone. Alex climbed off the bed and follow me down the stairs to the kitchen.

I felt a bit dizzy walking down the stairs but I just shook it off.

"Sit on the stool and do your homework while I cook, if you need help ask me okay", I instructed Alex. I kissed the top of his head sighing deeply. He nod his head and proceed to do as I asked.

"You hungry shorty", I asked Alex.

At the sound of his name he poked his little head up from his books.

"What?", he asked smiling.

"I said are you hungry", I smiled back walking towards him.

"Umm", he said tapping his chin pretending like he was thinking. "Yes, PB&J pleases!!"  

"One PB&J coming right up", I giggled ruffling his curling hair.

"Why isn't this damn house clean yet", my mother yelled coming down the stairs, once again. If she wasn't drunk before she was drunk now.

I needed to keep calm and keep my voice soft so I don't start her off.

"Sorry, I'm going to do it as soon as I'm done making lunch for Alex", I said shaken a bit. The sound of my heart was beating loud in the quiet space of the kitchen. I started to tap my feet out of nervous habits.

"Who?, just hurry up and can clean this place up...and make my dam dinner boy I'm not going to tell you again". She said getting in my face. She stare me down before turning to walk back up the stairs swaying side to side.

A single tear slip through my eyes and I quickly wiped it away. My jaw clenched at the fact that she didn't even remember her own son. What kind of mother doesn't remember their own kid.

"Aiden", Alex said startling me from my thoughts.

"Yes love", I smiled at him.

He didn't say anything. Alex climbed out of his chair and ran up to me. His little arms wrapped itself around my waist and his head lay on my stomach.

"Is mama okay", he asked looking up at me.

"Umm..", I said choking on a sob as my voice crack. I couldn't look at him because if I looked at him he will see me cry. Tears was falling down my eyes like a waterfall.

"I don't know", I said.

It Doesn't matter what happens, I'm going to make sure Alex was safe and taking care of. We do not need her, she was far too gone

Hope you guys like this chapter I wanted to show Aiden life a bit more.

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