chapter 4

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*Bries pov*

I woke up wrapped in someone's arms, knowing who it was I gently removed his arms from me and got out of bed without waking him up. I then got my clothes and took a quick shower and got ready. Once I was ready I went into the nursery and got Alex ready, it's 6:56 and we have to be at the gym at 8:30. Yes I know it's early but I have to take Roman to get clothes and we need to eat breakfast. I walked back into my room and saw Roman already up and fully dressed. "Hey" I said and he turns to face me. "Hi" "Alex and I are ready already so that means we can go to your place get you to change and then get breakfast." He nodded "sounds like a plan" he smiled and we headed out of the house. We got into my car and left "Brie I really don't want to go to my place I live in a bad area." "Its okay Roman I get it but you need a change of clothes." He sighed "okay but you have to stay close to me I don't want either of the two you getting hurt for being around here." I'm shocked that he actually cares about Alex and I but it's clear he does. I don't want to bring up our cuddle last night because then we'd make it awkward and I don't want that. He gave me directions and we got to his place. He really did live in bad area, he got out and took Alex out and took my hand. "If they see you with me you have nothing to worry about." I nodded, it felt like our hands were made for each other. We got to his door, he opened it and we went in. "You know if you'd like you can come live with me, I would mind." "You've done far too much and I don't want to disturb you." "You wouldn't disturb, you'd be a lot closer to the gym especially if you have matches, and you'll never be late." "I can't but thanks" "I just want to help you please let me help you." He sighed "okay okay I'll live with you" I can tell he hates bring brought down." "Its just to help and have a straight mind you don't need this negativity in the positive future you have." He nods and we leave, once we get outside I notice a man coming our way eyes locked on Roman. We reach my car as the man reached us Roman hands me Alex and pushes us behind him.

*Roman's pov*

The same guy from the other day was standing before me. I had Brie get behind me because I know what's to come. "What do you want?" I ask bluntly. He ingores my question and brings a new topic "what's a pretty lady like her doing with you?" "None of your business" he laughed "oh trust me it is." I glared at him "I see your messed up." "It wasn't from you." I heard a soft we whisper in my ear "can we go he's scaring Alex." "I ain't got time for this bye." I grabbed Alex from Brie and opened the back door. Once he was in I took the keys from Brie and opened the passenger door and got her in. I went to the driver side and turned to face the man "ever fuck with my family I promise that the next fight you won't be walking out alive." I got in the car and drive off. We got to a red light and she turned to me "who's that?" "The son of the man that killed my father, just forget it." She nodded "stop somewhere to eat cause you need to eat if you're going to train." "Okay" I pulled up into IHOP and we go in. Once we sit I find myself looking at her as she picked up Alex, who was now crying, and began to feed him. I notice the way she smiles when she holds him, she's such a nice girl, I mean why would she do this for someone like me. "Roman?" I hear her voice snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry" "order" "chocolate chip please" I look at the waitress and she came me a genuine smile and wrote down what I said. "Is that all?" "Yes thank you." She left and Brie looked at me "you know it's only 7:30 right now we have a while til we have to be at the gym" "okay well maybe we can just sit here and talk." "Sounds great."

Our food came and we started talking. "My parents went on a business trip and never came home. I didn't know they were dead until I was 12. They always told me they were on a business trip. It didn't make it difference I never really knew my parents they were always gone." "I wish my mom had stayed alive maybe it would've been different." "Everything happens for a reason and honestly of it was the other way around do you think you would've met Eddy if you're mother lived?" I thought about it for a second and she had a point. "Yea I guess you're right but what about you?" "I'm helping people my parents world revolved around getting money if they would've been here I wouldn't be found all that I do." She smiled "just don't let this opportunity pass you by it may just be your game changer." She was right man I falling for this girl and the more I get to know her I'm just falling for her more each and every day.

Hey sorry about the delay

It 4:37 where I am and I can't sleep because of a stupid cough I have so I finished the chapter.

Alright I kinda don't know still about Alex but you guys have any thoughts please tell me.

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