chapter 6

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*Roman's pov*

Its been two days since we went to ft he hospital. Brie has the paper work for Alex and she's just looks at them. I can't figure out why she won't just fill them out. I guess she's just nervous.

As for me well I'm now training harder since I have a match scheduled in 3 weeks time. I'm not scared but I'm nervous I don't know if I can do this but I'm keeping my head up. "Alright Roman let's go keep up no slacking!" Eddy yells and I punch the bag harder, it helps to imagine my dad's face on the bag. I just really don't like that man, like I told Alex if Brie and I ever get together I'd be the perfect the dad to him and possibly our future children. I would never want to be the man my dad was. "Time!" I stop punching. "Good job take a break" I walk over to Brie who's sitting down on the bench. "Whats wrong?" She picks her head up and looks at me. "N-nothing I- I'm fine." Clearly she isn't I don't know if I should say or just leave it. I sigh "Brie clearly something isn't right please talk to me." I sit beside her, "well they told me I'd have to be married to someone if I want him." Now I understand but - I got an idea, "Brie I'll do it for him and you." "No no you don't have to." "Please you have done so much for me at least let me do this for you." "I don't know Roman I can't ask you to be married to me if don't even want me." "Who says I don't Brie, I can give you what you want and what you want is that baby and I can help you."

*Brie's pov*

I can't believe someone who I just met wouk do this for me. And to say he wants to. "Roman thanks but-" "no buts I'm doing this Brie let me take you on a date and we can figure this out." I sigh in defeat "okay yes I'll go fatw with you." I smile and Eddy calls Roman to get back to training his first match is in 3 weeks and we gotta make sure he is for and ready. I watch as he punches the bag, I don't know why but I feel like this right. I feel like I should let him in, I know he won't cause me harm. I get the feeling of knowing he'll never leave me. I'm going to go through with this for Alex and for me. Its about time happiness comes I guess I'm just afraid of what people will think. Right now I'm just the daughter of rich parents who's throwing their money away. I'm not helping people and making this world a better place, one thing a time and it's starting with Alex.

Okay this one is short I've had a rough week next update will be longer....

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