chapter 17

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*Brie's pov*

I woke up and saw Roman still sleeping, I knew he needed his rest so I let him sleep. I walked over the Alex's crib and saw him still sleeping. I sigh and go get his clothes and a diaper knowing not to wake him up until I was ready I got dressed. Then I went to get him out of his crib and dressed him, he remained sleeping which made it harder to dress him. I swear sometimes they are the same person. Stubborn boys is what I call them. After I got him changed I placed him in his car seat and buckled him up. I left Roman a note on the mirror knowing that would be the first place he goes. I left the house with Alex, we had driven to the place Nikki had told me. The place was huge, I got out and walked to the doors. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Nikki, she was talking to someone. Once she noticed she came over to me "hey so glad you came, is this him?" "Yes this Alex." I set him down and pick up and set him in my arms. "He's adorable..ugh now want one." She smiled at me "thanks even though he isn't mine biologically he's mine." "Then he's definitely my nephew. Come on we have to go upstairs." I nodded and we left to the elevator and went up to the 6th floor. Once we got there she led me to this room, "this is where I work, in other words my office sorry about the mess our fall collection is being put together." "It's fine you should see Alex's nursery." Its still a mess I won't go in there. "Well what kind wedding are you having?" "Outdoor it's a place that I use to run away to now it's a resort and we booked it for our wedding." "Run away?" "Oh yeah our parents weren't the best you we're probably better off where you where." "Really do you want to talk about it?" We sat down and I looked at her. "I don't know at first everything was great they were good then one day they changed they pushed me around, kick me, then leave for days maybe weeks even months once they told y siiter they wouldn't need her and then they left." I paused and she looked at me "you don't have to talk." "I've been so afraid to tell you're someone I know that can relate, anyway I was home alone for 2 weeks I woukd still go to school, I didn't get bullied much but sometimes they would call me names." "Well since you said I'll say too, I was adopted at the age of 7 to a wonderful family, they had 2 kids already. They were nice and all but at school I got bullied for being different. I always knew something was missing. I didn't realize it a someone." "Me too I mean all those times now that I look back I was so lonely." There was a knock at the door, "come in" Nikki called out and a girl with fiery red hair walked in. "Hey Eva this my sister Brie and my nephew Alex, Brie this is Eva." "Hi I've heard of you before." "Oh yeah I met your fiancé at the park a couple days ago he's a nice man, now I hear you need a dress?" "Yes that's right." "See I designed my own dress so no problem anything and mean anything you want we make." "Do you think that's too much?" "Nope me and your sister opened this business together we got our employees that work hard we can do it." "So why don't we start." Nikki spoke ending our conversation and planting a new topic. "Right one question tail or no tail." "Tail as for I'm still uh a virgin." (I'm Catholic if you don't support this decision I make then idk) "really?" "Yea Roman and I adopted Alex his mother didn't make it through his birth." "Oh that's so sweet of you two." I smiled "okay now the dress white tail, uh beading?" "Very much I want a nice elegant pattern the dresses I've seen didn't have the elegant pattern I had originally wanted." "What do you mean?" "I want it simple yet ake it stand out." "Oh okay I got you we can do I up down motion of beads along the side from the top to bottom." "That sounds lovely." "Great let's get visuals ready for the design."

*third person pov*

The three girls spend hours discussing the matter of wedding, after those hours the design layout was ready. Decorations and a theme we're set. Almost everything was complete, now they needed the dress which was going to take 2 months because of the specific beading pattern they had chosen. It all ended up in place with the wedding 3 months. After they finished they went out to lunch and Eva had spoken about wanting a family. "I just think we're ready I mean we've been together for 2 years married for 1 I just think the time is right." "Talk to your husband I don't know Roman and I only known each other for a couple of months and well we just fit so well like a puzzle. It was his idea to get married so he could help me adopt Alex, and along the way we actually fell for one another." "That sounds like a fairy tale." Nikki said and smiled then added "John and I met at the coffee shop, it's a cliché for being in a rush I bumped into him and spilled my coffee on him." The three girls laughed and then Eva added in her story. "Jonathan and I met the work fair he was with a friend that was showing off his designs and he introduced us to one another." Alex was seated in Nikki's arms it was like he'd already known her, well Brie is her twin. But they didn't quite look identical. He was just so amune to her, and Brie was very fond of it. The three of them found a very unique bond to one another and they found themselves into a friendship that last a lifetime. "I should get going Roman has training tonight and stuff for his next fight." "He's a boxer?" "Yeah a boxer indeed I don't like it much now but boxing is the reason we met." "As long as the both of you are happy right?" "I suppose, I mean yeah we are very happy." "Then just love each other." Brie smiled and took Alex from Nikki "you're right, ready Alex say bye aunite Nikki and Eva. Bye see you later." "See you later." Brie left knowing that everything was falling into place or so she thought.

Sorry for the long wait I've been busy and last night I thought this published but I fell asleep. And I'm working on this stupid essay for the class I'm failing and school stresses me bad. Okay now that imback on schedule tell me what you think?

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