chapter 38

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*Roman's pov*

Even though i didn't know the baby i felt something for him. I turned my head to swe a beautiful girl sitting in the chair sleeping. I wonder who she is to me. I look at the baby his blue eyes draped open and looked at him. He smiled and could see he had 2 teeth on the bottom and one on the top. I smiled at him, the door opened and in came in Dean. "Hey Roman" "hey uh can i ask you something?" "yeah sure" "who is this?" Dean's eyes went wide "oh no great I'm going to get the doctor." he called put for the doctor seconds later he walked in. "How do you feel?" "okay i guess i don't remember what happened or who these two people are." "amnesia its common esapecially because your previous injury was fully cured you might have injured it again." "can someone tell me what happened or at least who they are?" Dean walked over to me. "She's your wife she's 4 months pregnant with your baby. And he is your adoptive son you two took in. He's 10 months." i felt my eyes widen i couldn't believe i build this life for myself. "Roman what's the last thing you remember." i thought for second then answered "well i was leaving the bar i worked at and these guys were following me, i took the long way home." Dean looked at the doctor then back at me "can you tell me anything about them?" "no i don't know who they are." "do remember how they looked?. "Um i don't know." the baby squirmed in arms and i held him a bit tighter. "What's his name?" "Alex." Alex i don't know why but i seemed to know the name. The girl in the chair stirred and woke up. "You're awake and Dean when fid you get here?" her voice sounded so familiar. "Not too long ago also Roman has amnesia he doesn't remember you." "oh" she looked down i spoke to her next "i want to remember you though Dean said your wife, that means my life must have changed for you." she looked up at me and smiled "its okay its going to take time trust i know." my eyes gazed down to the baby bump "sorry if this sounds wired but can i touch your baby bump?" the urge to do so was growing. "Of course you can." she came closer to me. "Sit down." i told her and she sat down facing me. I placed my hand on top of the baby bumo what happened next was unexpected.


I grabbed the needle and handed it to Brie, she held it in my palm and i grabbed Alex from Paige and Brie held his hand on hers then mine hand on top. The needle connects with the balloon pops and blue balloons appear in the air. There was no time for excitement because a gun shot erupted in the room and screams and feel my hand unfold in the grip of the needle.

*end of flashback*

I finally came back to my senses and i see Dean and Brie staring at me. "Are you okay?" Brie asks me i nod my head. "Yeah uh i was shot while at the gender party." Dean's eyes widened "you remember what happened anything else." i thought for a minute memories flooded my mind. From thr bet i made with Eddy to the gym, meeting Brie, our engagement and everything leading up to our wedding and her getting pregnant and me in the fight and the shooting. I swallowed the lump in my throat "yea everything." Then memory was suck in my head.


I felt eyes on me i knew i was being followed ignored it. In this part of town thing happen as such. I didn't stress over it. Turning the corner i took a look back and saw 3 guys in trail behind me. I didn't knwo if it was causal walk or they were following me. I kept my steady pace so they won't think much of it. I should have stuck with the shortcut home but i took the way home to clear my mind. As continued i sensed them still. I can hear feet clamping the sidewalk. I cross the street to see if they would follow. When they did i knew they were after me. One question flew though my head, are they from the bar?. I continued to walk i saw my street and turned onto it. The guys were closer now, i stopped walking as if i dropped something. Bending down i felt a foot at my face. "You know that's pathetic" i stood up "yeah well quit following me." One guy laughed i could see his blue jacket he was wearing and he had tattoos on his body. Seeing his was shirtless, probably a previous fight today. "Funny maybe you should tell your old man to pay us." "my old man is dead so any business you had with him died along." he smirked "this ain't over i will get my money." his voice was deep.

*end of memory*

Dean's phone rang snapping me out of my memory. He answered it and put it on speaker. "What Styles?" "oh nothing have you thought about it?" the voice it was his the guy in my memory. "I told you no once and I'll say no again." he hung up the phone. "Who was that?" i ask Dean he looks at me with confusion. "An officer that works at the station wants your case." "don't give it to him." "what? What are you talking about?" i looked at him "the night someone was following me home they stopped me and talked the guys said my dad owed him money said he would get it. The guy you were on the phone with sounded exactly like him." he looked at me "well no wonder he wants your case. I'll get right on it once your out you'll go to the station Brie and Alex along we will not risks anything." Brie and i nodded in agreement.

Alright guys here it is and this is by far my favourite chapter so far now anyway comment what you guys think about this also i know Roman's memory came fast but there's a reason for that and thst is because i want to get the feud done with.

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