chapter 13

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*Roman's pov*

I woke up to a tiny foot in foot in my face, already knowing whose it was I laughed a little and got out of bed. I look at the bed and see Alex upside down, with his feet on my pillow and Brie is in the same position she was last night. I smiled at the sight and went to shower. After my shower I saw Brie and Alex were both up sitting on the bed. "Hope you slept well" I said as I kissed Brie's forehead. "I did very good actually" she smiled "yeah I woke up to little feet in my face." She laughed "guess we have a mover, he won't be able to sleep with us when he gets bigger." "What do you want to do today?" Eddy had given me a free day because of everything that happened. "I don't know I'm tired and my head hurts." "Well then you get back to sleep, Alex and I will go out." "You sure?" "Yeah you've been taking care of him so it's my turn to spend a day with him." "Just take care of him and don't over do it with him, and no girls." She laughed, I smiled at her "you're my only girl and I think you've taught me enough to handle him alone." I picked up the 2 month old and kissed Brie before leaving to the nursery. Once he was dressed I went to our room and got the keys for the car. "See you later love bug." I kissed Brie and she laid down. "See you I love you." "I love you too" I left with Alex. I put him in the car and get in myself and drive to the park. Once I get there I get us out and put him in his stroller. I decided to take a walk around the park. As I'm walking I notice people looking at me. In all honesty I don't care what people would think. A woman comes up to me. "You're son is adorable." I smile "thank you" 'how old is he?" "2 months" "and his mom?" "At home thought I'd give her a break" "that's sweet of you, I wish I could get a break my daughter is 2 years old." She motioned down to the little girl in the stroller. "She's beautiful" "thank you, I'm Eva" (I don't care what you think of her I like her and I'm using her) "Roman, although I told my fiancé, I won't use our son to meet girls, nice to meet you." She laughed at my joke "unfortunately I'm married" "aww darn too late" "you're fiancé is lucky to have someone like you, and your son is lucky to have a father as such." "Well I should get going" "here" she passed me a card "that's my business card maybe your fiancé would like to come by my office, I'm looking for a business partner in my designers' collection." "Thank you" "no problem" she left well so much for no girls. Oh well my phone rings and pull it out of my pocket seeing Dean's name on it. I answer it "hey bro" "hey Ro, uh I kinda was thinking and well since we haven't seen each other since high school, why don't we hang out?" "Well I don't mind but I have Alex with me right now." "Its alright bring him along you know I don't like to drink much" "okay where do you want to meet?" "The pizza place we always use to hang out at" "okay I'll meet you there." I hung up and head to my car and leave the park to go meet Dean.

Once I get there I notice Dean is already there I walk over to him and sit down. "Hey Dean." "Hey Roman you know it's weird seeing with a baby." "Yeah I know but I love him and Brie" "glad to see you happy I've never seen you like this, so what do you do?" "Well I worked at the bar we used sneak into remember?" Dean laughs and nods "yeah I worked there for about 2 years one night this guys came during a boxing fight and let's just say I moved into boxing." "Cool I gotta go to next fight, hey I went through records of the guy, he's Alex's father." "What?" "Yeah at first I was like what the fuck but then it hit me, he wants revenge on you, he didn't think you'd get stuck with his child but when you did he sought the opportunity." "So you're telling me that if he ever gets free he's going to be after me, Brie and Alex?" "Yes but I went through his files he's got a bad reputation for a rich guy, it's a long list starting at the age of 10." "Is there anything we can do?" "Seeing how bad he is and he's at flight risk he'll be held with no bond but that's as far as I can get through. If he does get off the hook with this there's no telling what this man would do." "You know I've never heard you speak like this." "Hey I got to make a living and I wasn't going to do college and sure as he'll wasn't doing drive thrus so the academy was it." I laughed "well that explains it so what do we do?" "We wait that's all we can do and anyway if that bastard tries anything I'll fucking murder him and it legal for me to do so." "Whatever you say officer Ambrose" I joked with him "only call me that when I'm on duty or else it turns me." He joked back, "okay I did not need to known that." We both laughed. We sat there for a while until it Alex woke up then I fed him. Dean looked around and saw teenagers sitting at the table beside ours they were looking at me. "I find it strange that they act like they've never seen a baby." "I don't care" then I spoke louder when this "well I gotta get going Brie's waiting." They all turn away, "alright me too my shift starts in 10" we bro hug and leave. The drive back home was quiet Alex fell sleep, he loves car rides. When I get home Brie is sleeping still so I just lay Alex in his bassinet that we set up in our room and I lay next to Brie turning in the tv low volume.

I don't know much about his chapter but it's alright I guess.

Hey guys also if you love broman breigns as much as I do go check out Jasmine_4lyfe new book. I love her book I bet you would too.

Sorry for the wait I've been slacking and it's not cool lol


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