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Kai P.O.V.

"So tell me. Have you started messing with anyone else lately or is you still to stuck on my little brother to even think about anyone else." Brittney ask she straighten my curly fro.

Over the years, Brittney became like a big sister to me. She helped me stop being the lil tomboy that I was back in elementary and middle school. She also knew my feelings for Brandon. Everybody in his family did . They all wanted us to be together. But that doesn't change what Brandon does.

I smiled guilty basically letting Brit know I was still stuck on Brandon.

She groaned."Look I love my brother and all but he too busy playing games. You see he doesn't know what he wants."

I nodded . It was truth. Brandon was a boy who was too busy running game and being the player that he was that he ain't have time to settle down. Like actually comit.

"So I suggest," Brit continued. "That you get a boyfriend and watch Brandon dump whatever lil girl he with now and come running to you."

I laughed. "Britt im not getting a boyfriend to make Brandon jealous.'"

Britt finish the last strand of hair then looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why not? Brandon didn't have any problem making you jealous with all his "girlfriends" he had over the years."

I sighed and got up to look at my hair. It was pretty. Britt always did wonders on my head.

"Plus Kai, you saw how B acted when you was with Justise." She said referring to my ex who is now a big time star at Duke. "I've never seen him so vulnerable in my entire life."

She had a point. When Justise and I were together B was always mad and needy. Coming to my house at least two times a day. Questioning me after every time I spent time with Justise. If you ask me,he finally got a taste of his own medicine.

"What makes you think Brandon even likes me?" I ask coming over to sit down beside her.

"Its not that hard to figure out. When he talks about you his eyes start to light up and the fact he acted the way he did when you found somebody is a dead give away." Britt said confidently.

I nodded knowing everything she was saying was true . But if he liked me so much why not tell me already?

"Whatever Britt, you think you can give me a ride home?" I said glancing at the clock to see it was close to 11 pm and I still wasn't home.

"What happened to the Lexus your dad just got you ?" She ask.

"Went into the ditch with it." I stated plainly.

Britt then doubled over laughing. I just stared at her mad she thought this was funny.

"I don't know what's so funny. It was your brother's fault anyway. " I said.She laughed even more barely able to contain herself.

"Look are you taking me or not Brit ?" I asked annoyed.

"I got a report to do for my CST class, ask Brandon to take you." She said trying to catch her breath. After saying bye to Britt, I walked over to Brandon's room to find him laid out on his bed on the phone.

"Who you talking to?" I ask sitting down in his desk chair. Brandon pressed his index finger to his lips signaling that whomever was on the other end was important. He said a few more words then told the person goodbye and hung up.

"Guess what?" He said a few minutes later grinning from ear to ear.


"McDonalds All American Committee just called to tell me they selected me to participate in the game on April 2nd." Brandon smiled

Every year McDonalds hosts a game call The McDonald's All American Game. They only invited the best in the country to come out and play.

"Thats good,B." I said excited for him.

"I know. You coming with me right?" He asked.

"Brandon that's all the way in Chicago."

"So? " He clearly was not getting I was only 17 I didn't get to come and go as I please like his 18 year old self could.

"I don't know, I have to ask my dad." I told him. He nodded a little disappointed. "If I can't go, you can always take Cassie." I joked.

He looked at me with a serious expression on his face then playfully threw a pillow at me. I giggled at his response.

"Anyways you think you give me a ride home before my dad finds out im not there?"

"Yeah , let me use the bathroom real quick." He replied getting up walking out the room.

While I was waiting for him, his phone rung. I immediately picked it up and saw it was "Cassie😻" calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey is Brandon there ?" Cassie responded her breathing shaky.

"He left out for a minute." I told her.

"Well when he gets back can you tell him to call me ." Cassie asked sounding close to tears.

"Yeah." I said strangely.

"Thanks." She said sniffling.

After she hung up, I sat around and tried to figure out what was going on with Cassie and B. It surely wasn't a breakup,B would've told me.

"You ready?" Brandon asked coming back in in the room slipping some slides on and grabbing his car keys. I nodded then walked downstairs to say goodbye to B's parents.

"Bye Mama B & Pops." I said giving Brandon's parents a hug as we made our way out the door. They told me bye and they'll see me Saturday.

"You still coming to Duke with me Saturday right?" Brandon asked once we were in car.

"Yeah I said I would." I answered.

Brandon nodded then went back to focus on the road. I decided this would be the perfect time to ask about Cass.

"B what's going on with you Cass?" I asked.

As soon as I finish the question Brandon jaw clenched and his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Nothing." He said plainly staring ahead instead of glancing my way."Why you ask?"

Judging by his body language,I could tell he was lying. Plus he never looks me in my face when he lies.

"She called crying while you were bathroom." I told him. "Yall broke up or something?"

He simply shrugged."Something like that."

I looked at him weirdly. He clearly wasn't telling me something. Since when does B hold things back from me? I shook my head and stared out the window the rest of the drive. When we finally pulled up, I told B goodbye and made my way out of his car.

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