22|| Final Chapter!

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Brandon's P.O.V.

June 22,2016

[Voicemail]: You know how I feel about like... us, right?
Like... how I wanna go about it
But you never tell me how you feel about it
How you wanna go about it

I sighed listening to Kai. I get it, I was about to start a new stage of my life and being that Kai and I were going be so far again for God's knows how long, she needed security. I shook my head and exhaled for the thirty time tonight. I should be like all the other players, laughing and joking with family and friends waiting to be drafted. Instead I was almost on the edge of anxiety attack only hours before the Draft.

"Can we please not talk about this Kai?" I said over the phone to her.

"We have to talk about it B I ha- "

"No we don't." I said quickly cutting her off. "I love you Kai. It doesn't matter if we'll miles apart. I'm going to still love you. Trust me."

There was a long pause on the other line causing me to think she hung up.

"What about the women, B? This isn't college. This is a whole new ball game. These girls would kill to have them some of the 'oh so fine' Brandon Ingram." Kai said. She then stop to pause again like she was thinking. "How I'm going to know you won't give into that ? Like I said Brandon , I need security. . . . . "

* * *

Kai P.O.V.
June 23,2016 (Present Day)
10:03 am
Kinston, North Carolina

And I feel it, you hurting and I'm healing

My head ached as I recall the conversation from last night. It was Draft Day. Brandon didn't need me at his neck. But as I look down at the small device resting in my lap, I started to think different.

Shock covered my face as I looked at the next two to the side of me.

Positive . . .

"Fuck !" I screamed out, my voice echoing through the bathroom. Tears begin to fill my eyes as I allowed myself to sink to the cold tile floor. Right now was definitely not the right time for a baby. B was already stressed out about the draft. Not to mention he had his rookie year ahead of him.  Lord knows he'll just spazz out when he hears the news.

The knock at my bathroom door caused me tear my eyes away from the three pregnancy test resting in my lap.

"Babygirl? You in there ?" My dad said from the other side of the door.

"Yes, daddy." I replied, failing miserably at trying to hide the fact that I was crying.

Judging from the silence that followed my dad must've sense something was off. " You okay ? I was just letting you know your flight leaves in a hour. I'll be downstairs. "

"Okay. Be right there." I said hurrying to hide the test.  Taking a few breaths and wiping my tear stained face, I begin to make my way out the door.

Time to see Brandon. . .

* * *

Brandon's P.O.V.
June 23,2016
About a hour til draft . . .
7:13 pm
Brooklyn, New York

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