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Brandon's P.O.V

I heard a familiar giggle come from outside. I rushed over to Kai's second floor window to look outside. Sure enough it was Kai getting out of what I recognize to be Ryan's white Kia Altumia. Ryan got out of his side and walk over to take Kai's hand and pull her to him for a quick peck on the lips causing Kai to smile even wider. The whole thing made my blood boil. I went back to sit to down on Kai's bed where I been waiting for her for 25 minutes.

"Heey Daddy & Jia " I heard Kai cheerily yelled to her parents as she made her way upstairs to her room.

Kai gasp in surprise when she open the door and noticed me.

"B? How long you been here?" She said once she got over the surprise.

"Long enough to see you kiss my teammate." I stated coolly.

Kai then looked shock.

"You wanted tell me wassup with that? Cause I already know about the locker situation." I told her getting more piss off by the minute.

Kai then try to play it off by plastering on a confused face. "What locker situation?"

I just stared at her feeling like I was gonna snap any minute. "So we playing dumb now?" I laughed out a lil bit something I tend to do when Im mad. " You ain't come to lunch today neither did Ryan. Then I get told that you and Ryan were boo'ed up on the lockers this morning. So I rush over here and wait for almost half an hour for you. Then to my surprise you come back with Ryan giggling and laughing then to add to it, you step out the car and kiss him. Now you up here acting like you don't have a clue to what I'm talking about." I watch as Kai bit her bottom lip and shift all weight to her other leg. Things she tend to when she was nervous or guilty. In this case, she was guilty.

"You ain't got nothing to say or are we still going to play dumb?" I asked checking my phone."Because I got practice in a few and you do too so we can't afford to just sit here. Just tell me if you messing around with Ryan or not then we can go about our business."

After 5 minutes of silence,Kai finally decided to speak up. "What does it matter if we are or if we aren't B?" She said.

"What you mean what does it matter? Everybody in all 5 Kinston's High schools know Ryan is a fuckboy." I said feeling my voice rising a little. "The only thing he's good for is leading a girl on then dropping her like she ain't shit after he gets what he wants. What makes you think its gone be any different with you Kai?"

By now I was practically yelling but I knew I had too to get my point across to Kai's stubborn self.

"Ok? If I want to get my heart broken than let me. It'll be more fun than having to third wheel on every date with you and Cassie!" Kai yelled back matching my tone.

I scoffed in disbelief "Do you know how dumb you sound Kai? You practically saying - .. You know what I don't have time for this. " I said grabbing my jacket and walking towards the door. "I got to get to practice. Call me when you get some fucking common sense."

"Fuck you Brandon." Kai said tears now falling from her eyes. I shook my head. As much as I want to go back and comfort her I couldn't. She needed time to reevaluate herself and me holding her ain't going to help.

* * *

"Xavier?. . .Xavier!" My mom yelled to me across the table snapping me out of the trance.

"Huh?" I answered. I look up to see my sister,my dad,and my mom all staring at me.

"What's wrong? You had that distance look on your face every since you got home. Did something happen?" My mom ask with a look of concern on her face.

"Nothing ma. Just worried about this game tomorrow." I lied. Its been 3 hours since me and Kai got in that argument and I've haven't heard from her since. I text her that I'm sorry and if she wanted to talk about it but she hasn't replied to that either. I need to talk to her cause that visual of her kissing Ryan was messing me up. I couldn't even think straight.

"Imma go upstairs and try to get some sleep. Goodnight ma and pops. Night Brittney." I said gathering my plate and placing in the sink before running upstairs to my room. I check my phone to see a bunch of texts and missed call none of them from Kai. I sighed and closed my eyes ,attempting to get some sleep before seeing her tomorrow.

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