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Brandon's P.O.V.

"So let's go over the rules for this visit Kai." I said as we got our badges from the Duke administration and waited for someone to come give us a tour of the campus.

Kai rolled her eyes. "Brandon I'm not-"

"Rule one," I said cutting her off. "no talking or flirting with any of the players or students."

With stern look on my face, I looked over at Kai. Our last recruiting visit together was to UNC. Let's just say Brice Johnson got a little too friendly with my future wife. She ended up having to stay in the car for the remainder of the visit.

Kai just gave a guilty shrugged and smiled.

"Rule two, your eyes stay exactly focus on the tour guide or the campus." I told her knowing her eyes tend to wonder off in places where they shouldn't be.

"Rule three if you happen by some chance, get lost. Just call me or text me and if someone else tries to offer you help then convert back to rule one. " I finished putting emphasis on this rule because of what happened when we visited Kentucky. I guess Kai wouldn't paying attention and the next thing I knew she was being led back by one of the Kentucky's players named Andrew Harrison.

Kai responded by staring blankly at me then bursting into a smile. "Brandon that campus was big, and y'all were moving too fast. I could barely keep up."

I laughed a lil bit at the lie then shook my head. "Whatever you say Kai. "

"I'm serious." She said still unable to contain her smile.

"How about I hold your hand this time. That way you won't break any of the rules." I told her half joking and half serious.

Kai plastered a disgusted look on her face. "Nah I'm good."

I smiled and grabbed her by her waist causing her to squealed. "Lil girl stop playing."

"Brandon Ingram? " I heard someone call my name from behind me. I unwrapped my hand from around Kai and turned around to see a light-skinned man around 6'5 and another one who looked to be about 7 foot.

"Yeah ?" I replied.

"I'm Matt Jones , this is Jahlil Okafor." The 6'5 one said reaching out his hand to dap me up. Then having the tall one follow afterwards.

"Nice to meet you. This is Kai." I said knowing they already knew each other through her dealings with Justise.

"Wassup Kai. " Jahlil said pulling her into a hug. "I miss your crazy self at the games."

Kai responded by laughing. "I miss the Duke games too."

After Kai exchanged hellos and caught up with the two, Matt explained events of our day. Which involved a meet and greet with the fans and meeting the rest of the team and coaching staff. Causing me to think about what would happen when Kai sees Justise face to face for the first time in 3 months after the breakup.

"Okay let's start with a tour of the campus." Matt said starting to walk off with Jahlil. Before Kai could follow I pulled her by the wrist.

"What now Brandon ?" Kai asked agitated.

"If anyone asks you're my girl, got it ?" I asked looking her dead into eyes to let her know I won't playing about this.

Kai grinned then took my hand. "Got it."

. .

"So this place is called Cameron Indoor Stadium. This is where Duke plays all of its home games." Matt explained as we along the building. "Now before we walk in here. We have to warn you that there is a lot of fans who came out to meet you." He said cautiously causing Kai to look up with a worried expression.

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