Chapter 1

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"We've been over this only 37 times, (y/n), you can't come with us, it's simply too dangerous!" John was telling you. Sherlock silently agreeing with him even though he was reading the file of the murder.

"I can handle myself, what's the big idea? Like come on! Compared to me John, you are a sissy. I cannot only take a punch but throw one as well!" You replied getting frustrated with the Doctor.

"I second that, you hit me square in the jaw, it bruised, had to wear makeup to cover it," Sherlock said absentmindedly.

"Who's side are you on exactly? Hmm?" John asked turning to Sherlock.

"Neither, simply the commentary," Sherlock said. He cared too much about both of you to pick a side.

Weird to say that he cares but strangely enough he did.

"Alright so it's settled, I'm going with you."

"Alright here you are," Sherlock said passing the file to you with a smile.

"Wait, hold up! She isn't coming," at this Sherlock let out a frustrated sigh when John grabbed the file roughly out of my hands.

"Make up your minds already!" Was all he said before settling back down in his chair.

"Why aren't you letting me go John?" You asked him and he just stared at you.

"Because I value you, because I need you to be reliable, and you can't be reliable if you are dead on the street! We all know how reliable Sherlock is!" John shouted at me, his temper being mixed with his other emotions.

"Why are you shouting?" You asked, allowing yourself to be calm.

"I- I well, I'm not sure, I just want you to be home when I get home, to be smiling. To be there alive," John said staring at you.

"(Y/n), you are like the sister I always wanted, I feel protective of you," you nodded already knowing this about him.

"Boring! We all already know that!" Sherlock said to him.

"Sherlock, stop, he didn't know that," you turned to the interrupting detective.

"You knew, well. Well of course you did, just thankful for that in a way I suppose," was all John said.

"I'm still going."

"No. You're. Not!"


Ok keeping in sweet and short.

Thanks for reading!

I've been wanting to write this for awhile :)

It'll be interesting ;) that's a promise!

-Angel Charles

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