Chapter 3

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Random Doctor Who photo lol.

And now onto the chapter.


As you got on the crime scene, you saw a very angry John who looked right at you with a glare when you ducked under the police tape.

"Good afternoon John," you said as you passed him and headed over to where Greg and Sherlock was.

"Ahh, (y/n), here's the information, if you guys can follow me, it's a nasty one. The body is ripped to shreds."

As Greg was talking you noticed that John was putting on one of the full body things and that made you smirk a bit as you walked right past then and they didn't even stop you, but the basically forced John to put one on.

"Clearly not an animal attack though try hard they did to make it look like one," Sherlock observed the lying corpse on the ground.

"Yeah, we figured out that much as well, also that it may be related to-"

"Moriarty, I know," Sherlock interrupted.

"Well judging by the claw marks, it was made by using fishing hooks which when it hits the skin it makes a nice clean cut, you can jiggle it so it looks more jagged, so more animalistic,"
you interjected before you knelt down beside the body to make sure you were correct.

"That is true, so-" Sherlock started.

"Moriarty either didn't think this would attract the likes of us since the police would say it's an animal attack or-" you interjected.

"It's a puzzle," Sherlock finished.

"Either way, Sherlock the game is on."

"That's-..... That's right," Sherlock was obviously about to interject that that was his sayings but didn't bother putting an argument between the two of you since the last one lasted over a month. Both of you wanting to be right.


Thanks for reading! Finals are coming up :(

Anyways have a good day!
Comment what you think and if I should continue? :D

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