Chapter 5

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So this is the story that I wasn't actually sure that would get reads. I just had an idea and went with it. So thank you so much for reading this! Hope you guys are enjoying all my grammar errors and such xD

Sorry about those. I type too quickly for my hands and I also don't edit because it takes too much time.


The updates are short because that's what I decided.

now onto the story :D


"John, I am on this case whether you like it or not alright?" You told John the next day.

"But its very dangerous."

"So, shouldn't you be the one getting off?"

"Hey, I have been doing this for quite some time now, I know how to handle myself. I was in Iraq!"

"You were a Doctor."

"That doesn't mean I wasn't in battle sometimes."

"Alright, I have been doing this since I was young with my dad, I have all the experience one could possibly need," you told him and he just left the room to go into the kitchen.

When he started to make tea, you went and sat in his chair.

"You know, when we met a few years ago, I thought you were this annoying girl who wouldn't shut up," Sherlock suddenly said and you glanced at him.

"I thought you were this psychopath, turns out I was right," when you said this he was quick to respond.

"High-functioning sociopath."

"Yeah whatever."

"Anyways, I didn't realize that you would quickly become one of my friends."

"I also bet you that you thought I would be around a bit longer," you said with a smirk.

"My brother thought that, I knew you were leaving. You showed all the signs."

"Yet you didn't stop me," you told him.

"Once you get an idea in your head, you won't stop until it's completed, besides I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away," He told you, now he had a smirk on his face.

"Well of course not. Not when a new villain shows his face on the streets of London. Things got really interesting here," you said, turning your attention to a newspaper on the cupboard by John's chair.

"Well if that's why you are back after 4 years, than I am glad that it got interesting."

"My God, has it been that long?" You suddenly asked him and he nodded.

"It's been so long that I died, in fact you can visit my gravestone," Sherlock said with a laugh.

"You literally waited a life time Sherlock, I am touched," At this he simply laughed.

"Yet, in those 4 years, Sherlock never thought to mention you to me," John said coming back into the living room with two cups of tea in his hands.

"I never benefited from you knowing this information, besides what if you suddenly blurted this out when Moriarty had you hostage? He would go out looking for her," Sherlock said.

"How thoughtful of you," I said and he nodded.

"Alright, fine then. I wouldn't have done that. Here (y/n), have some tea," John walked over to you and gave you a cup.

"Two sugars-"

"and plenty of milk, just how you like it."

(if not, just put in what you like? sorry xD)

"Where's mine?" Sherlock asked John, looking up from the case files in front of him.

"Tea is still hot, go pour yourself a cup," John said.

"After all we've been through."

"Seriously you guys are worse than kids."


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