Chapter 22

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We at chapter 22!! and 35k reads! :D Thank you for that! Thank you for continuing to read this story in spite of my irregular updates :>


The two of you walked back to your apartment, sometimes in silence just taking in the walk. It was nice to be around Greg, it was a bit weird to realize how close the two of you became. He was simply always there for you and Watson and Holmes. First because of a need but now then because he wanted to be around.

"Alright, um go get him?" You laughed listening to his words while shaking your head. Greg wasn't a girl, and he didn't know how to encourage you.

"Thanks, Greg, here grab a taxi back," you tried to give him money be he refused.

"I enjoyed the walk and frankly could use the walk back," you shook your head.

"You are perfectly fine the way you a-"

"Thank you (y/n), but honestly, I think I could use the walk back, wasn't as bad as I thought," you nodding and he headed off, waving as he walked. "Good luck." 

You smiled at his back before turning the 221 baker street. The front was the same as it always was. You took a deep breath and sighed. The smell was still of fresh rain and wet cement. It seemingly made you happier. The air wasn't cold, but you still were. You needed to get out of your wet clothes. 

"(Y/n)!" Sherlock came running out of the door, ushering you inside, you followed and he took your hand while moving you inside. "You are going to catch a cold you know, come one you need to change your clothes."

"Sherlock," you said his name, admiring how it sounded. He ignored you while pulling you up the stairs. "Sherlock wait."

"Nope, you are not catching a cold," he said moving you into the apartment. 

"Sherlock I told Mycroft," finally he stopped moving and looked at you. 

"I know, he called," you nodded, of course, he did. 

"Then you know, that I-"

"I love you."

Sherlock's POV ~5 minutes after (y/n) left Mycroft's~

She should have taken a warmer jacket. I should have gone with her, god why am I so stupid. 

"I should just go, no point in staying here what's the point I don't know," I heard my own voice and I know that she was making me go insane. I was worried about her. Well of course I was. I mean, I like her. I love her. 

My phone started to ring and I picked it up quickly. 

"Mycroft," Who else could it possibly be.

"Ah Sherlock, brother oh mine, (Y/n) just left," I nodded even though he couldn't see. 


"She, well she finally came to her sense, how to put this, Sherlock she," he was stumbling over his words. "She left, and she is going to you."

"Are you two going to be ok?" Why was I worried about that? I just didn't want her to be sad because of something due to Mycroft. 

"Yes, Sherlock if you ever hurt her, I don't care that you are my brother I will make you pay, she is still, I mean she is still very precious to me of course," I let out a sigh. 

"Mycroft, I would never hurt her, and if I did, you have my full permission to do whatever you had in mind," I heard his chuckle. 

"Don't mess it up, goodbye."

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