Chapter 4

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A nice crotch pic (well full body but in mobile app you can like only see his crotch area) of Jared Leto as the joker :)


"(Y/n), you are removing yourself from this case. I won't let you continue any longer, especially since Moriarty is involved. He doesn't know about you, and that's how I want it to be," John said the moment you three entered 221B.

"John, he's going to find out about me eventually, why not let that moment be when I am victorious after I solved his case?" You asked John, already over being annoyed by how the man was consistently against you joining Sherlock and him on their mysteries.

"Because, he will use you against us somehow and I don't want to see you with his arms wrapped around you with a gun to your head, or bombs strapped to your chest!" He told you.

"And will we be in a swimming pool?" You asked and the moment these words left your mouth, John turned to glare at Sherlock.

"Is there anything you didn't tell her?" He asked him angrily.

"That was a good day, besides she asked me to tell her all about my old cases that I found interesting," Sherlock shrugged his shoulders before turning to you.

"It's better I tell the story than you reading his blog anyway," Sherlock said laughing. You laughed along with him.

"At least he gives the stories names, like the Lady in Pink, you could have called it something more like oh I don't know Popping Pill Pink Lady? That sounds like a good rap song or dare I say, pop song," You said. While Sherlock looked at you the same way a grandparent would if their grandchild just said something about technology, John laughed sourly and continued to sit in his chair.

"It's pop culture," You told Sherlock who just continued to stare.

"Was that another pun?" He asked you.

"Nevermind," you said before turning to go down the hallway. You entered your room, which was Sherlock's room before he allowed you to move in with him. Now he usually stays at John's in his spare bedroom. But that's when he sleeps. Sometimes he works and falls asleep on the couch. Other times he forgets that he gave up his room and he brings his sleep-deprived body over to his old room and plops himself on the bed with you.

That rarely happens. It only happens when he gives up sleep to work on a case and he goes well over 6 days without sleep.

"(Y/n), you are not on the case, end of discussion," John called from the couch before returning to his newspaper.


Thanks again!

Have a good one?

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