Chapter 21

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Ok so this story is coming to a close 😳 Thank you for reading this story!

Walking back was nicer than going there. The rain stopped to a drizzle, the sky was breaking to let in a little bit of sunshine. The smell of rain was strong as was the smell of wet cement. You took it in folds, both smells were wonderful, the sun was wondering, the clouds were wonderful. 

Before walking into that home was so hard, it was filled with tension and unwanted feelings. But walking out you were in relief. Nothing could ruin your day right now because the only thing left was to see Sherlock. 

"(Y/n)!" Okay you jinxed it. You heard Greg Lestrade's sudden voice, full of surprise. You were soaking from the rain and there stood Greg, half in his car half out, looking at you over the hood of his police vehicle. 

You waved and he got out of his car and came to you. A look of a worried parent on his face.

"What's up Greg," you asked trying to sound as casual as you could. 

"What's up with you, walking around in the rain? You trying to have a tv moment? Come on you are going to catch a cold," he grabbed your wrist pulling you to his car. "Jesus you are cold."

"It's ok, I haven't been in the rain that long, just needed to talk to someone is all," You shrugged of his hand before shoving your hands in your pocket. 

"You can still catch a cold you know, you are not invincible," Greg always had a shine in his eye, he was genuine. Too genuine. He was like how the weather is now. Sun breaking the sky after a hard rain. 

"I know, I just need to walk, it feels comfortable, I feel relieved in this atmosphere," he gave you a hard look before glancing at his car parked illegally on the side of the road. 

"I'll explain to them later, alright where are we walking to?" Greg joined your side and you smiled slightly. 

"We are going home, the scenic route," He nodded, an unsure look on his face. You knew why. 

"A bit far but you look more relieved than I've seen you in the past few days, weeks even! Alright, but if you get tired we are getting a taxi," he smiled at himself, a compromise he desperately hoped would happen. You nodded at this. 

"A taxi if I get tired," you agreed. He held out his arm for you to hold onto and for once you took it. He really was your best friend, your closest friend apart from John and Sherlock. If Sherlock and John were a team than Greg and you were a team as well. 

"So why were you standing so relieved outside of Mycroft's house?" You looked up at Greg not expecting him to be so bold. 

"You knew that was Mycroft's?" he nodded. 

"A long time ago he came to me to offer me money on information on Sherlock," he told you. "Didn't take it of course, but he seemed a bit problematic, and it told me Sherlock was good, funny enough, if someone was willingly to try bribe off the police, perhaps the one they were after wasn't in the wrong. I did a background check on him, found out he was a Holmes."

"Mycroft's a dumbass who doesn't know how to show his feelings to his brother," you nodded and Greg laughed. 

"Yeah, that's a good way to put it."

"And I was breaking up with him," you felt a pull on your arm as Greg stopped suddenly in his tracks. 

"When the fuck were you guys even together?" You laughed. 

"It sort of just happened Greg, honestly nothing serious to me at least, besides now I'm heading home to ask if Sherlock would take me," Greg's eyes managed to get even wider. 

"(Y/n), in all my years of knowing those two, they have never been in a relationship, so how are you managing to fate both of them? And Sherlock? Sherlock Holmes! I don't have words, what am I even supposed to say! This sounds crazy," he was shaking his head, still refusing to move forward. 

"I know, it's all quite ridiculous, but Sherlock is the one for me Greg, I know how it sounds, from one brother to the next but it wasn't my idea technically," you thought back to what Mycroft. Everything for his brother, even me. 

"Then who's idea was it?" He asked and you knew if you wanted to keep your best friend it was best to tell him all of this. 

"Mycroft's actually," you said and he looked even more baffled. 

"I mean, can he even come up with an idea that involves feelings? But that aside, it kinda makes the situation better but not really, you know what I mean?" you nodded while laughing at him. 

"Well, it was to help Sherlock, no me really, he really does care about his brother you know," he nodded at this. 

"That is apparent," he said before finally daring to take a step followed by more steps. The two of you went back into the steadiness of the walk, counting on each other to keep walking forward. You never had someone like Greg, he was nice to be around, a parent, a friend, and best friend. 

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