Chapter 10

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Alright, it's been a month. I might as well update this. Dean Winchester because of rain, also because I have a wee bit obsessed with Supernatural. Want one-shots? I've got lots, check my page xD

Also, this may be 20 parts, not 15 lol


To your surprise, he didn't move away or push you away as you expected. Predicted. Instead, he leaned into the kiss, allowing it to continue.

You recognized this feeling.

You were no longer the director.

You, the one who initiated the kiss, was also the one to pull away. You proved your point there's no harm in moving now.

"(Y/n), please kindly explain to me what is happening," Mycroft voice sounded so earnest. His arms were still wrapped around you, and you may have moved your head away but you didn't realize your arms managed to snake themselves around his neck.

"Your brother proposed a deal could be made between him and me," You managed to say. "I seemingly had a better idea."

"Me?" You nodded looking at him. A lot of people say the Holmes brothers were so alike, so cold to anyone whom they met. They would say they were two geniuses who didn't care about anything in the world except themselves and a good puzzle.

But as you stood there, you realized they were nothing alike. Mycroft has tried to do this before, not with you but he tried at love. He allowed himself to be human. He's much softer than he lets people realize.

Sherlock has only ever let 1 person through. And it was Adler.

As you focused on what was happening, you felt your heart beat harder as the man in front of you smiling. Yes, hope is good.

Coddling, but good.

What Might We Deduce About His Heart? (SHERLOCK X READER)Where stories live. Discover now